Myra MacPherson: The Wright Excuse
Posted at 7:40 pm, May 3rd, 2008
“Don’t be fooled by the numbers” e-mailed a lawyer friend who practices in a hamlet in the mountains of North Carolina. He was talking about Obama’s then-13-point edge in some polls. “Of course folks are going to tell an outsider that race is not a problem but it’s different when they actually vote.”
This pre-Rev. Wright observation by an Obama supporter has a new twist now. The flap-mouthed preacher has become the Poster Boy for white voters looking for a reason to vote against Obama that doesn’t sound as bad as being against a presidential candidate simply because he’s black. Journalists devotedly report their interviews with white male blue-collar workers in North Carolina who now feel free to say they are “troubled” by Wright– not having to say anything about Obama per se.
Most of them probably would have never voted for Obama anyway, but the Wright media avalanche has buried the pitch Obama hoped to make on serious issues. Even some Obama fans murmur that his interview answers are “flat.” What was once seen as the admirable cool of a man comfortable in his own skin now looks like slow-motion reactions and comments.
Obama has not learned to be a true politician–able to form splashy sound bites, or to adopt whatever works for the moment. The latest such example is Clinton’s adoption of McCain’s summer gas-tax holiday. She hits hard in simple sentences aimed at showing compassion for the white blue-collar cadres who are her base (at least until — or if — she runs against McCain). Like all the economists and experts, Obama says it won’t work and that it is a “gimmick” — but by the time he explains it viewers have yawned their way into flipping to another constant-cable moment: the polygamist sect in Texas, where the women dress like those on the adjacent channel showing old westerns.
Jon Stewart, in a much-needed reality check, knocked the Catholic church-going commentators who blast Obama for not leaving his church at the first instance of an “unAmerican” lava-flow from the Wright. Pedophile priests scandals and cover-ups from on high have not caused those commentators to abandon their church, noted Stewart. But there’s been almost no harsh appraisal of McCain’s happpy, huggy acceptance of Rev. John Hagee’s support. In case you haven’t heard of him lately (and why should you if the media doesn’t mention it?) this is the man who attacks Catholics, feminists, gays, Arabs and anyone who is loathe to bomb Iran.
Obama’s momentum is slipping and he may never be able to slug it out with Clinton, who seems to love her Rocky image. Obama’s turn-the-other-cheek mode may no longer be a good strategy, unless he can learn to make his own case in bumper-sticker soundbites and slogans — and thus no longer be the politician of change.
If he loses or just squeaks by in North Carolina look for a long hot summer among battling Democrats who once saw the White House as a sure win, no matter who they ran.
May 4th, 2008 at 7:52 pm |
May 5th, 2008 at 2:37 pm |
I think “The Wright Excuse” is the right way of looking at this. Some voters want a reason to explain away their own racist feelings. Maybe it’s not even racism but just a discomfort with cultural differences that they feel. Thus, they might be willing to vote for Obama if he were exactly like them, except for slightly darker skin, but not if he takes his religion with a dash of hyperbole on the side.
Then there is the problem of Hillary’s shallowness. I am not so sure that Obama couldn’t be just as shallow as she is. He seems articulate enough to come up with better sound-bites if he wanted to. But I understand his point to be that unless we, the voters, move out of that mode, nothing can get accomplished. If we want to throw religion in, there’s the passage from Matthew, “What profits a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul.”
Take the gas tax holiday as an example. The public is grossly ignorant of that “elitist” discipline called economics. The public doesn’t t understand that sellers set prices based on supply and demand, not on the cost of production. If there are 1 billion gallons of gas available and consumers are willing to pay $4 per gallon for that gas, then sellers will charge $4 per gallon whether there is a federal gas tax or not. Thus, the new, Obama approach to politics says that for there to be any hope of making the public understand the realities we face with respect to energy, politicians have to be willing to speak the truth on these issues. If Obama stoops to the Clintons’ and McCain’s level on this, then he abandons his promise of change.
May 5th, 2008 at 6:30 pm |
Of course…..Wright will be the excuse…..not his color…
regardless of the fact that there is not one person sitting
in any pew in America who believes or supports every thing
their minister believes or says……or regardless of the
fact that BOTH of the Bush’s threw their arms aroung Falwell
and Pat Robertson….calling them great “spiritual” leaders
while Falwell and Robertson said 911 was due to gays…
lesbians…abortion…no prayer in schools…the feminist
movement and other stupidities and absurdities piled one
on top of another……where was the outrage for them???
The Wright issue is only a cover for those still living
with prejudice and bigotry…….but what else is new…..
in American politics……..thanks Myra……you are super.
Bill Edelen
May 6th, 2008 at 9:22 am |
Jon Stewart may be the finest political commentator in our country. Is it time to say that this race is over for Obama?
Heard on Left, Right and Center: Obama goes to Gore, convinces him to take the top spot and Gore/Obama glide to victory, Obama gets experience and becomes President in 2012?