Watchdog Blog

Archive for December, 2009

Barry Sussman: When the Law and the Facts are Against You, Say Public Opinion is on Your Side

The last few days, I’ve seen and heard numerous statements by leading Republicans such as John McCain and what’s his name from Kentucky to the effect that public opinion is wildly against the health care reform legislation now moving through Congress. Maybe they’re correct. If so, it’s uninformed public opinion created by screeching, repetitious and [...]

George Lardner Jr.: Wasteful Security

Hooray for the New York Times for emphasizing the central lesson of the near disaster on a Christmas Day flight to Detroit when alert passengers and crew members halted a terrorist who was trying to blow up the plane. The billions of dollars spent by the people who profess to be protecting our security had [...]

Morton Mintz: Taking Aim at Insurance Execs’ Pay

“Democratic senators are taking aim at insurance executives’ pay as they jockey for advantage in a rare weekend session to debate President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul,” the Associated Press reported Dec. 5. The AP article provided no specific examples, so suppose I mention a few likely candidates: One is Ronald A. Williams, chief executive [...]