Watchdog Blog

Archive for April, 2010

Dan Froomkin: Ponzis, Ponzis, Everywhere?

In the course of researching a story on the role of fraud in the financial crisis, I ended up speaking to James D. Ratley, who is the president of an organization called the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. He talks to reporters a lot, he says, and he had a complaint. “We see a lot [...]

Lawrence Meyer: ‘Don’t correct what I say,’ the politician lectured me

When I started out as a young reporter at the Times-Herald Record in Middletown, N.Y., I had the opportunity to cover a city-wide election. The incumbent mayor was a Democrat, unusual in a part of New York State that was decidedly Republican. After a few weeks of the campaign, the Republican candidate, who was doing [...]

Gilbert Cranberg: Health Care Reform – a Jobs Bill for Lawyers, Grist for Demagogues

The Patient Protection and Affordability Act, sometimes known as the full employment act for lawyers, has critics salivating to get into court to challenge the law’s requirement that everyone buy health insurance. The critics are beside themselves over the provision. To hear the moans and gnashed teeth you’d think the very foundations of Western civilization [...]