Herb Strentz: Odes to Plank 10.11
Posted at 3:32 pm, January 13th, 2011
Plank 10.11 of the Iowa Republican Party platform says, “We believe public university, college and school buildings should not restrict possession of firearms by those legally possessing a concealed carry permit, as this endangers our children.”
Mary had a little Glock
With an extended clip.
And everywhere that Mary went
She packed it on her hip.
Mary took her Glock to school.
‘Tis her 2nd ‘mendment right.
Her classmates gave her lots of space
They fled in fear and fright.
When teachers questioned her,
Fearing a shooting spree
Mary gave credit where it’s due:
“Thanks, Hawkeye G-O-P.”
Jack’s so nimble
Jack’s a doozie
Jack settles tiffs
With his Uzi
Little Miss Margaret
Sighted her target
Thanks to the NRA.
Along came a spider
And sat down beside her.
Well, she sure ‘nuff blew him away.