Barry Sussman: ‘We Probably Could Have Saved Ourselves’
Posted at 9:09 am, August 24th, 2012
Today is this website’s last day. I’ve already said goodbye – on Monday – but since then I’ve gotten some nice, even moving emails from folks and I’d like to share a few of them. I’m leaving out the names of the writers.
“Hi Barry–You should feel as proud as a peacock for the quality of journalism produced by the Nieman Watchdog Project. I always looked forward to each set of offerings, knowing I could count on substance. That’s an ingredient hard to find these days, especially on such a consistent basis.”
“Dear Barry,
I just read your farewell column and find it hard to believe the Watchdog will no longer be offering its insights. You, Dan (Froomkin) and all of your writers have provide a valuable service for many years that will be greatly missed.”
“Congratulations on a magnificent creation and body of work with Nieman Watchdog! Personally, I am very sad to see that it will no longer be the brilliant stand alone you created with others. However, I know that change happens whether I like it or not.”
This is one I treasure:
“I write to express my gratitude. Your work has been an affirmation of the values I fell in love with as a young girl. There are many more like me and many more better than me out here in the ether who see your work as a charge to keep and a reason to hope.”
“Thanks for all your work. I am very sorry to see this happen. I also wish I could agree with you on the NYT.” (I had praised the Times, in effect putting it in a class by itself.) “Among others; they have done nothing but disgrace itself on national security issues…”
And finally…
“you’ve done the lord’s work. . .
“and, as gene mccarthy used to say, once you’re past the biblical limits of three score and ten you are no longer required to carry out the good book’s rules. . .
“the only problem is that it’s not as much fun to break them. . .
“thanks for all you’ve done and tried to do. ..
“as for the unfinished business, i like kurt vonnegut’s suggested last words of humans to be carved perhaps on the grand canyon for ‘flying saucer creatures or angels or whatever’:
Y’all take care.
August 25th, 2012 at 3:24 am |
I am very sorry to see this happen Barry Sussman. You have done a great job so far. Goodluck for your future.