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POGO: Senator and Representatives Question Pentagon Halt to Improvement in Contractor Oversight

By NICK SCHWELLENBACH Cross-posted on POGO’s blog. Last month, the Pentagon’s director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy (DPAP) directed every part of the Department of Defense (DoD) to halt compliance with a law to improve oversight of contractors signed by the President last year, according to a DPAP memo obtained by POGO. Senator Claire [...]

POGO: Open Government Advocates Meet with POTUS: A Firsthand Account

By Danielle Brian Cross-posted on POGO’s blog. Yesterday afternoon, POGO Executive Director Danielle Brian—along with OMB Watch Executive Director Gary Bass, Director Patrice McDermott, National Security Archive Executive Director Tom Blanton, and Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Executive Director Lucy Dalglish—met with President Obama about open government issues. The meeting was originally [...]

POGO: Are House GOP Freshmen Serious about Cutting the Defense Budget?

By Nick Schwellenbach, crossposted with POGO There is no shortage of headlines with a variation on a theme such as: “Tea Party Declares War on Military Spending,” “Tea Partiers Say Defense In Mix For Budget Cuts,” and “Veteran Republicans Fear Tea Party, Liberals Will Unite To Cut Defense.” Much of the media has fostered the [...]

POGO: Rolling Stone Psy-Ops Article Exposes Another Breakdown in Military Whistleblower Protections

By Nick Schwellenbach, crossposted with POGO Rolling Stone’s Michael Hastings has written another article that’s gone viral. Here’s how it opens: The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in “psychological operations” to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war, Rolling Stone has learned—and when an officer [...]

POGO: Unposted Inspector General Reports Showcase SEC Misconduct

By Michael Smallberg, crossposted with the Project On Government Oversight A few months ago, we questioned why many of the investigative reports issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Office of Inspector General (OIG) are nowhere to be found on the agency or the OIG’s website. Since then, we’ve obtained many of these unposted [...]

POGO: Don’t Be Afraid of the Congressional Oversight Bogeyman

By Nick Schwellenbach, Angela Canterbury and Danielle Brian Crossposted at the Project On Government Oversight blog. While many in DC are crying into their beers or measuring the windows of their new offices, POGO has a different take on the election. We have been hearing a lot of talk from both Democrats and Republicans characterizing “oversight” [...]

POGO: The Case of the Missing Inspector General Reports

By Michael Smallberg, crossposted with the Project On Government Oversight Inspector General (IG) investigations expose some of the most egregious examples of misconduct by federal officials—everything from whistleblower retaliation to the abuse of taxpayer dollars—and the public has every right to see the (non-classified, non-redacted) results of these investigations. Yet in many cases, agencies have [...]

POGO: Stimulus ‘Lettermarking’ at the Defense Department

By Nick Schwellenbach, crossposted with POGO My friends over at the Center for Public Integrity unveiled a wallop of a story on Sunday afternoon—dozens of Members of Congress who decried the Recovery Act, better known as the “stimulus,” were simultaneously sending letters to government agencies asking for a piece of the action. The Center got [...]