Archive for the '2012 elections' Category
Thursday, November 17th, 2011
Greenville, S.C. – Bolstered by his rising poll numbers and looking ahead to that night’s foreign policy debate, Newt Gingrich opened his first South Carolina campaign office with wife, Callista, at his side on Saturday. As he rises to compete in the top tier of GOP hopefuls, voters are taking a closer look, and conservatives [...]
Posted in 2012 elections, Gingrich, Politics, Religion and Politics, Republican party | Comment (1)
Thursday, November 10th, 2011
CNBC commentator Rachel Maddow believes Herman Cain is a “performance artist” and his campaign for the GOP presidential nomination is “performance art.” Could be. It could be also that Cain is a satirist and his campaign a satire on presidential politics. Satire: the use of “irony, sarcasm and ridicule to attack the follies of humankind.” [...]
Posted in 2012 elections, Herman Cain, Republican party | No Comments
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011
With two months to go before the Iowa Republican Party caucuses on Jan. 3, 2012, here is a one-question multiple choice quiz for you. Q: Which of the following characterizes the Iowa GOP caucuses? A. What a mess! B. Our long national nightmare is almost over! C. Hey! Let’s do this again in 2016! D. [...]
Posted in 2012 Iowa GOP caucuses, 2012 elections, Des Moines Register, Iowa caucuses, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Republican party | Comments (3)
Saturday, October 29th, 2011
“I think it’s time,” declaimed Rick Perry out of the blue during the Oct. 18 GOP candidates debate in Las Vegas, “for us to have a serious discussion about defunding the United Nations.” No one seconded the notion. Was this the opening round of a Perry effort to boost his flagging campaign by playing an [...]
Posted in 2012 Iowa GOP caucuses, 2012 elections, Iowa GOP platform, Rick Perry | No Comments
Wednesday, October 5th, 2011
Texas Gov. Rick Perry put his foot, cowboy boot and all, in his mouth when he declared Social Security to be an unconstitutional Ponzi scheme. Unconstitutional? Social Security has been the law of the land since 1937. It was validated by several of the country’s finest legal minds. If there is ever a high court [...]
Posted in 2012 elections, Rick Perry, Social Security, Supreme Court | Comments (3)
Sunday, October 2nd, 2011
If you are a progressive, perhaps you got a “First, fill in your name” email requesting money from Barack Obama back during the ’08 campaign? That artful first person oh-so-friendly email, adroitly and effectively designed to make you feel that, hey, you could walk right into campaign headquarters and get a big fat hug from [...]
Posted in 2012 elections, Alan Simpson, Democratic party, Erskine Bowles, Joe Biden, Obama, Politics, Republican party, Tea Party | Comment (1)
Friday, September 23rd, 2011
Inquiring minds may want to know how Iowans feel now that Rep. Michele Bachmann has dropped sharply in the GOP presidential derby. After all, the Hawkeye state often fashions itself as a presidential kingmaker, and it was Iowans — well, right-wing, evangelistic Iowans — who had crowned Bachmann as a frontrunner for the Republican Party’s [...]
Posted in 2011 Iowa GOP Straw Poll, 2012 Iowa GOP caucuses, 2012 elections, Des Moines Register, Iowa GOP platform, Iowa caucuses, Journalism, Michele Bachmann, Politics, Republican party | No Comments
Thursday, September 22nd, 2011
Where is Buddy Roemer, Republican candidate for president? In the polls, the former U.S. Congressman and Louisiana governor is so low he hasn’t been included in any debates so far, and that includes Thursday night’s. This week, though, I knew exactly where I could find him – in Charlotte, N.C., around the corner from my [...]
Posted in 2012 elections, Financial crisis, Politics, Republican party | Comments (3)
Wednesday, August 17th, 2011
DES MOINES—If we were to take the advice of Scottish poet Robert Burns, the Iowa GOP Straw Poll would be toast — finally put out of its news media-induced merriment and ending the misery of those who take democracy seriously. You know, as though self-governance were something to nourish and value, not something to debase [...]
Posted in 2011 Iowa GOP Straw Poll, 2012 elections, News Industry, Politics, Republican party, Robert Burns | No Comments
Sunday, August 14th, 2011
On Saturday August 13th, I cleared the deck of distractions and sat glued to C-span’s coverage of the Iowa GOP’s fundraiser in Ames, the extravaganza better known as the Iowa Straw Poll. I didn’t want to miss a word. The word I especially didn’t want to miss was “Bush.” How, I wondered, would this highly [...]
Posted in 2011 Iowa GOP Straw Poll, 2012 elections, Bush Administration, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Obama, Obama administration, Politics, Republican party | Comment (1)