Archive for the 'George W. Bush' Category
Wednesday, February 1st, 2012
How much longer will Republican presidential candidates pretend that George W. Bush doesn’t exist? Mitt Romney’s victory speech in Florida is a case in point. Romney tore Barack Obama limb from limb on joblessness and other issues, but never once acknowledged that what preceded Obama’s election might have had a bearing on his record. Leaving [...]
Posted in 2012 elections, Bush Administration, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Obama, Republican party | No Comments
Thursday, November 3rd, 2011
While no one could ever say Condoleezza Rice has strayed far from Republican beliefs – in a recent appearance in Charlotte, N.C., she touted “low regulation and low taxes” as economic solutions – the views of President Bush’s Secretary of State on immigration and education reform reveal just how much the party itself has changed. [...]
Posted in Bush Administration, Condoleeza Rice, Education, George W. Bush, Immigration, Politics, Republican party | No Comments
Monday, October 24th, 2011
As American troops prepare to head for the exit in Iraq, pundits prepare to critique the war. Let me contribute my two cents worth: the war was a spectacular failure for the vaunted American system of checks and balances. The only checks in evidence were those written to pay for the trillion or so dollars [...]
Posted in Bill Keller, Bush Administration, Democratic party, George W. Bush, Iraq, Journalism, New York Times, News Industry, Politics, Run-up to the Iraq war, Terrorism, Washington Post | Comment (1)
Wednesday, August 31st, 2011
I got a few questions from a Norwegian journalist asking my reflections on the tenth anniversary of 9/11. The questions tend to be a little lofty; as the writer, Tore Saevik, noted, “It is possible to write books about several of them.” But they all are good questions, so I took a shot at them. [...]
Posted in 10th Anniversary of 9/11, 9/11, Afghanistan, Democratic party, First Amendment, George W. Bush, Iraq, Journalism, National security, New York Times, News Industry, Politics, Republican party, The Economy, War on Terror | No Comments
Sunday, August 14th, 2011
On Saturday August 13th, I cleared the deck of distractions and sat glued to C-span’s coverage of the Iowa GOP’s fundraiser in Ames, the extravaganza better known as the Iowa Straw Poll. I didn’t want to miss a word. The word I especially didn’t want to miss was “Bush.” How, I wondered, would this highly [...]
Posted in 2011 Iowa GOP Straw Poll, 2012 elections, Bush Administration, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Obama, Obama administration, Politics, Republican party | Comment (1)