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Archive for the 'Rupert Murdoch' Category

Barry Sussman: If News Corp Is Clean, Wouldn’t Murdoch’s Lawyers Say So?

Rupert Murdoch is back under attack in London. The New York Times reports charges that bugging of telephones was widely discussed at the News of the World, despite years of denials by chief editors and owners. Also, officials at a law firm said it has not given the News of the World “a clean bill [...]

Gilbert Cranberg: Time for Murdoch to Fire Himself

A bizarre sideshow to the hacking scandal involving Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. was on exhibit July 18 when the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal weighed in with an editorial – hold onto your seats – backing the News Corp! The Journal lashed out venomously at ProPublica, the non-profit news organization specializing in investigative journalism, awarding it [...]

Gilbert Cranberg: A Good Moment to Examine Murdoch’s Tactics and Ethics

No, Rupert Murdoch did not personally hack into anyone’s electronic messages. And if anyone sought his OK he might well have vetoed it as too risky. But Murdoch created the sleazy work environment that made hacking seem like a dandy idea to some of his editors. For that, Murdoch deserves all the brickbats he has [...]