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Craig Gurian

Craig Gurian is the editor of Remapping Debate, an online public policy news journal that believes that there is a fundamental (and democracy-corroding) paradox about the media ecosystem that needs to be addressed: for all the  outlets and for all the bytes, the "why" and "why not" questions of public policy are too rarely addressed. Remapping Debate emphasizes the importance of recognizing that public policy making involves choice, not submission to inevitable facts of life that always have been and always need to be.



Financial Times, Lazard hide the ball on green energy poll
COMMENTARY | July 209, 2011
Standards for describing how polls are conducted have been around a long time and reporters and editors know not to trust pollsters who won’t release basic information. Thus, asks Remapping Debate, why should they trust the Financial Times and Lazard, since neither will answer routine questions to help the public assess their report?

Insurer does its own health care reform -- adding 50% to certain charges
ASK THIS | May 131, 2011
Oxford Health subscribers who go 'out-of-network' find it costs a lot more than it used to. Is it only one company that has lit up a new revenue enhancer, or are other health insurers doing it as well? And at what point will these new charges force patients to use a plan's doctors instead of their own?

New mapping tool helps reporters zoom in on segregation
SHOWCASE | April 111, 2011
The Remapping Debate website's new maps focus on large metropolitan areas. In them, almost two-thirds of the people– more than 115 million out of almost 180 milion – live in areas of high racial segregation. That’s an improvement over a ten-year period, but not much of one.

New tool puts tax rates in historical context
SHOWCASE | April 103, 2011
The Remapping Debate website's device compares tax rates over the years, adjusting for inflation and translating the numbers into 2010 dollars.

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