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Steven Katz

Steven L. Katz has served on Capitol Hill and in the Executive branch. He was counsel to former U.S. Senator John Glenn on the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee and was chief counsel to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Government Information and Regulation. He specialized in federal information, media access policy, and the First Amendment. In addition, he has worked for candidates in a number of state and national political campaigns.

In 1991, he coordinated the Senate hearings and oversight led by Senator Glenn concerning the Pentagon's Press Policy During the Persian Gulf War. He is the author of the book Lion Taming: Working Successfully with Leaders, Bosses, and other Tough Customers (Soucebooks, 2004).



Washington-centric candidates and reporters: What’s missing here?
ASK THIS | December 351, 2007
Presidential candidates and the reporters covering them are out on the hustings all the time, but they often act as though government begins and ends in Washington.

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