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Harold Maio

Harold A. Maio offers this about himself:


Born 1937, raised a 50's boy, lived flower power, matured through marriage, kids, college degrees, conflicts and happinesses.


I am a linguistic ethicist, a person who examines language for its moral content.


My first choice for a vocation was teaching, art. Ordering chaos in dimension. I taught for many years.


My second choice, many years later was German. Hearing for the first time "Die Dreigroschenoper," Brecht/Weill, I cried and wanted to know why. I knew the power of word, without understanding a single syllable. 'Die Liebe dauert oder dauert nicht, an dem oder jenem Ort." I learned German as I learned color.


I taught German for many years, university, college, high school, private lessons.


The combination of the freedom of art and the discipline of German, the marvelous structure, led me to my final choice, editing, the power of word. How who says what, and why. From art I learned variety, endless opportunity, creative inquiry, the mind as eye, not mirror. From German I learned structure, discipline, and the art of word itself, the power of word itself. Choice, each and every word a choice one consciously makes or word rules author. "Dichter" rules word. It is no small task.


Word can lead to the back of the bus, or beyond. Word can reflect, repeat, repair, renew, alter reality completely. One need only know the possibility, and choose.



Too often, mental health care comes only when it’s too late
ASK THIS | August 226, 2005
Do health-care editors practice a double standard, counting on the system to help those with physical problems but disregarding the need for assistance to the mentally ill?

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