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Bill Moyers

Bill Moyers has pursued a broad spectrum of journalism, beginning as a
cub reporter for the Marshall News Messenger at the age of 16. In 1986,
he established Public Affairs Television with his wife and partner
Judith Moyers. This independent production company has produced more
than 400 hours of programming including Bill Moyers Reports: Trading
Democracy, Bill Moyers Reports: Earth on Edge, Healing and the Mind,
Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth, America's First River: Bill
Moyers on the Hudson, and Becoming American: The Chinese Experience.
Public Affairs Television also produced the weekly program NOW with Bill
Moyers until Bill Moyers' retirement in December, 2004.

During his thirty plus years in the media, he has received numerous
awards for excellence, including more than 30 Emmys from the National
of Television Arts and Sciences and two prestigious Gold Baton
awards from the Alfred I duPont Columbia University Award. In 1991,
Moyers was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences. He has also received 9 George Peabody awards and 2 George Polk
Awards, including recently the Career Achievement award.

Before entering broadcasting, Moyers served as Deputy Director of the
Peace Corps in the Kennedy Administration and was Special Assistant to
President Lyndon Baines Johnson from 1963- 1967, including two years as
White House press secretary. He left the White House in January 1967 to
become the publisher of Newsday. For twelve years Moyers was a Trustee
of the Rockefeller Foundation and now serves as President of The
Schumann Center for Media and Democracy.



Moyers on the squelching, punishing of journalists
COMMENTARY | May 137, 2005
Radical right-wingers ‘have been after me for years now and I suspect they will be stomping on my grave to make sure I don’t come back from the dead,’ says the veteran TV figure.

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