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Arnold Friedman
Arnold Friedman is an award-winning writer with more than 30 years’ experience. He specializes in the criminal justice system and politics for his independent Story Gems operation, based in Los Angeles.  He has written for various newspapers and magazines. In addition, as a freelance television news producer since 1990, he has supplied stories to the newsmagazine programs of all three television networks. Several have aired on CBS’ 60 Minutes.  

He also co-produced an NBC Sunday night movie based on the tragic murder of a college fraternity brother-turned police detective who in his moment of truth saved the life of his young son. The movie, one in a series of films about law enforcement officers in jeopardy, was entitled In the Line of Duty: The Price of Vengeance. It aired in January 1994. Ahead lies a projected documentary about people and events surrounding the Fall of Saigon. Friedman is working on the project with a former 60 Minutes producer.



Last call for questions on Iraq
ASK THIS | October 303, 2008
Time is running out for reporters to get McCain to spell out his plans for victory -- and to explain the moral justification for the war in the first place.

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