Diane Farsetta
Diane Farsetta is Senior Researcher at the Center for Media and Democracy, and the co-author of CMD’s two VNR reports, “Fake TV News” and “Still Not the News.” She has appeared on PBS’s NOW, ABC’s Good Morning America, NPR’s On the Media, and Pacifica’s Democracy Now!, among other national programs, and has a background in radio journalism and research.
Pentagon PR spending soars
ASK THIS | February 54, 2009
Reporters need to examine where the line is between public relations and propaganda, or if there is a line at all. This year the cost of 'winning hearts and minds' at home and abroad is expected to be at least $4.7 billion. Can we expect change in an Obama administration?
What are TV stations doing about 'fake news?'
ASK THIS | January 19, 2007
TV newscasts sometimes include sponsored videos that mimic independent reports, without providing disclosure to viewers. Here are questions about this shady practice for the TV stations in your area.
The NiemanWatchdog.org website is no longer being updated. Watchdog stories have a new home in Nieman Reports.