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Douglas Powell

Dr. Douglas Powell is an associate professor of food safety at Kansas State University. Trained in molecular biology, and employed as a journalist, Dr. Powell found that food safety was a discipline where he could meld his interests in science, society and policy -- more formally known as risk analysis. His laboratory seeks innovative ways to compel  everyone in the farm-to-fork food safety system -- individual producers, retail employees, and consumers, among others -- to   acknowledge and adopt best practices to reduce the risk of foodborne  illness. He publishes the electronic newsletters bites.ksu.edu, barfblog.com, and hosts donteatpoop.com. A native of Brantford, Ontario, Doug is passionate about food, has five daughters, and is an OK goaltender in pickup hockey.



Food safety is a matter of degrees
COMMENTARY | October 284, 2009
A Kansas State University professor whose Web site chronicles food-safety concerns writes about a New York Times reporter intentionally -- and unintentionally -- making the case that consumers can't be trusted to handle dangerous foods safely.

The top 5 food-safety questions journalists should be asking
ASK THIS | August 226, 2009
A Kansas State University professor whose Web site chronicles food-safety concerns does a little myth-busting about the role of government inspectors, the safety of organic foods, and the conventional wisdom.

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