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Alberto Cairo

Alberto Cairo is director of infographics at Época (Editora Globo, Brazil). Until December 2009 he was James H. Schumaker assistant professor of infographic at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Between 2000 and 2005 he was head of the online infographics department at El Mundo, Spain. His Twitter feed is @albertocairo.com.



Editors, artists chafe at the errors and hype in bin Laden death story graphics
SHOWCASE | May 129, 2011
Some of the graphics that ran alongside the bin Laden death story deserve an A for creativeness but a D or an F for accuracy, as pointed out by Juan Antonio Giner and Alberto Cairo. They call for higher standards for infographics and produce a six-point checklist to insure such standards are met. Signifying the importance of the issue, 58 experts from 22 countries have endorsed the statement and added their names to it.

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