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Sarah Sewall

Sarah Sewall is the Faculty Director at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy and teaches at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. Her research focuses on the nexus of human rights and military power. She recently authored the introduction to the University of Chicago Edition of the U.S. Army and Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual. Sewall served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Assistance during the Clinton Administration and as Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell.



Just how is this drawdown supposed to work, anyway?
ASK THIS | January 04, 2008
How do you pull out of a country that lacks a functioning national political process? Harvard security expert Sarah Sewall proposes some disturbing and provocative questions reporters should be asking the State Department, the Pentagon and Congress about how the United States will minimize the humanitarian consequences of drawing down American ground forces and promoting 'Iraqi solutions to Iraqi problems.'

Ask our military leaders what our troops are doing to avoid killing civilians
ASK THIS | August 12, 2004
Kennedy School security expert Sarah Sewall thinks reporters should be asking the Pentagon and Congress what they are learning in Iraq about minimizing civilian casualties - and how well they are doing.

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