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Kenneth Rogoff

Kenneth Rogoff is Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Economics at Harvard University, as well as Director of the Harvard Center for International Development.  From 2001-2003, he served as chief economist and Director of Research at the International Monetary Fund.

Together with Maurice Obstfeld, he is co-author of the 1996 graduate treatise Foundations of International Macroeconomics.  He has written numerous articles in major professional economics journals on topics ranging from international debt, exchange rates and monetary policy.  These include his seminal 1985 paper on central bank independence and inflation targeting, as well as his 1983 papers with Richard Meese on exchange rate prediction, which still form the launching point for most contemporary empirical exchange rate modeling.

His Web page at Harvard includes links to articles and op-eds on
exchange rates and other topics.



The dollar is down sharply. Should we be writing about its collapse?
ASK THIS | November 14, 2004
Harvard Economics Professor Kenneth Rogoff considers the consequences.

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