Karen Greenberg
Karen J. Greenberg is the Executive Director of the Center on Law and Security at New York University School of Law. She is the author of The Least Worst Place: Guantanamo's First 100 Days, editor of the NYU Review of Law and Security, co-editor of The Torture Papers: The Road to Abu Ghraib, and editor of Al Qaeda Now and The Torture Debate in America (Cambridge University Press). She is a frequent writer and commentator on issues related to national security, terrorism, and torture and has also authored numerous articles on the United States and Europe during World War II. She has a Ph.D. in American political history from Yale and teaches in the European Studies Department at NYU. She is a former Vice-President of the Soros Foundations/Open Society Institute and the founding director of the Program in International Education. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and an editor of the Archives of the Holocaust, Columbia University Series. She has served as a consultant to the NEH, the NY Council for the Humanities, the NYC Board of Education and USAID.
Will not one but two Guantanamos define the American future?
COMMENTARY | April 19, 2010
There is no sign that the notorious eight-year-old detention facility in Cuba is close to a shut down. And worse yet, writes torture expert Karen Greenberg, when it does close it may be replaced by two Guantanamos -- one in Illinois and the other in Afghanistan. That's not the way out of the quagmire of incarceration that the Bush administration mired us in.
Is Bagram Obama's Guantanamo?
COMMENTARY | March 06, 2009
The first and last legacy of the Bush detention era is the prison at Bagram Air Base. But torture expert Karen Greenberg writes that there are no signs so far that the Obama administration is going to make any changes there. And still unclear: Who is being held there? Are they classified as 'prisoners of war' or as Bushian 'unlawful enemy combatants'? How are they being treated?
Can Guantanamo be closed?
COMMENTARY | April 27, 2007
How should the next president go about closing the prison in Guantanamo? Torture expert Karen Greenberg explores the conundrums that would be unleashed in any genuine attempt to undo what the Bush administration has done, and proposes some solutions.
11 ways to report on Gitmo without upsetting the Pentagon
COMMENTARY | March 13, 2007
Torture expert Karen Greenberg describes how the standard media tour of Guantanamo is designed to deny the realities that are hidden just out of sight.
Pentagon excels at blacking out the text
COMMENTARY | August 01, 2006
The Pentagon says it is committed to transparency and offers as evidence two reports on the subject of detainee policy. But huge portions are redacted, so that, for example, under a sub-head called ‘Interrogation techniques,’ all the text is blacked out.
Do insurgents returning from Iraq pose a security threat to European democracies?
ASK THIS | March 13, 2006
Counterterrorism expert Karen Greenberg writes that European law enforcers are worried about their own Muslim citizens going to Iraq, getting trained in terror, then coming home. Are they right to be worried? And what are the lessons to be learned from watching Europe wrestle with the problem of homegrown Islamic terrorism?
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