Ira Chernus
Ira Chernus is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder where he has taught for 30 years, including a term as Co-Director of the CU Peace and Conflict Studies Program. He received his Ph.D. in Religion from Temple University. Nationally, he was co-chair of the Religion, War, and Peace Group of the American Academy of Religion.
Chernus’s research deals with American policies and public attitudes toward issues of war, peace, nationalism, and foreign affairs, showing how religious traditions and influences affect secular life. He has published extensively in this area, with a special focus on the era of the cold war and the nuclear age. In his most recent book, Monsters to Destroy: The Neoconservative War on Terror and Sin, he looks at the Bush administration and the U.S. response to the 9/11 attack.
Prof. Chernus also teaches and writes on nonviolence; he has published American Nonviolence: The History of an Idea. In addition to his academic work, he is a commentator on current affairs. His writings appear regularly on the Web sites and , and his op-ed columns have appeared in many national newspapers including the Atlanta Constitution, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Miami Herald, Houston Chronicle, and the Denver Post. His commentaries are heard regularly on radio station KGNU in Denver and Boulder.
Click here for his Web site.
Original sin and American politics
ASK THIS | October 18, 2006
Professor of religious studies Ira Chernus examines the Foley scandal, hypocrisy, and how being a lowly sinner can be a winning strategy.
Is Bush influenced by 'end times' theology?
ASK THIS | August 09, 2006
All anyone can know about Bush’s religiosity is the pattern and implications of his statements, writes Prof. Ira Chernus of the University of Colorado. ‘What he “really believes” is something we can never know.’
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