David Weaver
David Weaver is the Roy W. Howard Research Professor in the School of Journalism at Indiana University's Bloomington campus, where he has taught since receiving his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina in 1974. He has published 11 books, including Newsroom Guide to Polls & Surveys, Media Agenda-Setting in a Presidential Election, Videotex Journalism, The American Journalist, The Formation of Campaign Agendas, Contemporary Public Opinion, The American Journalist in the 1990s, Communication and Democracy, The Global Journalist, Mass Communication Research and Theory, and The American Journalist in the 21st Century, as well as numerous articles about journalists, the media in political campaigns, newspaper readership, foreign news coverage and journalism education. He is past president of AEJMC (Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication) and MAPOR (Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research), and a Fellow of ICA (International Communication Association).
Fewer journalists, and a clog at the top
COMMENTARY | September 29, 2006
Indiana U. report shows sharply fewer reporters and editors at traditional news media and a clog at the top positions, making it harder for young people to advance and, perhaps, making the news business less attractive as a career.
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