Michael Lemov
Michael R. Lemov is an attorney in Bethesda who specializes in federal regulatory issues. He is also president of the board of directors of the John E. Moss Foundation.
He was a principal author of the Consumer Product Safety Act and major provisions of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act. He was Chief Counsel to the House Commerce Committee's Subcommittees on Oversight and Investigations and Commerce and Finance. In those positions, he had primary responsibility for oversight regarding the FTC, NHTSA, FDA, CPSC, EPA and other federal regulatory agencies. He recently served as deputy general counsel of the Congressional Office of Compliance with responsibility for occupational safety and health issues in the legislative branch. Lemov was the author of recent Congressional reports on emergency preparedness and anthrax response.
He was also a principal author of energy and trade regulation laws, including the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act and the Magnuson-Moss Warranty -- Federal Trade Commission Improvements Act. Prior to his service with the House Commerce Committee, Lemov was counsel to the House Banking Committee, General Counsel of the National Commission on Product Safety and a trial attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice.
The Freedom of Information Act on its 45th anniversary
COMMENTARY | July 01, 2011
Lyndon Johnson opposed FOIA — said it was a plot against his administration — but a tenacious backbencher from California, John Moss, had pursued it for 12 years and LBJ finally relented, signing the legislation on July 4th, 1966. Here Michael Lemov, author of a new book on Moss and FOIA, recounts events leading to the enactment.
The press and the new consumer protection law
SHOWCASE | October 21, 2008
An example of the way things are supposed to work: the Chicago Tribune focused on unsafe toys, cribs that strangled and other unsafe products—and Congress followed up with legislation.
John Moss and the battle for freedom of information, 41 years later
COMMENTARY | July 03, 2007
How one modest but stubborn congressman overcame the many entrenched obstacles to win the American people access to information about the activities of their government.
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