Josh Ruxin
Josh Ruxin is the founder and director of the Access Project in Rwanda, an initiative of the Center for Global Health and Economic Development at Columbia University. He is currently based in Kigali, Rwanda.
As Assistant Clinical Professor of Public Health at the Mailman School of Public Health, Josh created Columbia University's first multi-disciplinary course focused on addressing the challenges to achieving the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals. With the Access Project, he provides expert technical assistance in management at all levels of the health system for governments receiving financing from the multi-billion dollar Global Fund.
Since the Access Project's inception in 2003, Josh has coordinated multiple teams in over a dozen countries, delivering training and technical expertise to ministries of health, NGOs and various coalitions. In Rwanda, Josh has helped outfit over 60 health clinics with the necessary tools for conducting HIV/AIDS counseling and testing, and assisted the Ministry of Health to make systemic changes. Overall, Josh provides management guidance to 32 Rwandan health centers serving a population of over one million people in ten key management domains including drug procurement, financial management, and performance-based financing.
Josh is also the founder and director of the Neglected Tropical Disease Control Project (NTD) and the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) in Rwanda.
Working at the intersection of public health, business, and international development, Josh focuses on comprehensive approaches to fighting poverty, emphasizing scaling up national health programs. He has been instrumental in helping the government, NGOs, and private sector organizations understand and analyze the link between health and poverty, and has mobilized international partners on the ground to collaboratively implement sustainable development.
He has been a contributor to The New York Times blog, “On the Ground.”
A victory lap for Bush in Africa – minus victory
ASK THIS | February 15, 2008
Much more needs to be done when it comes to disease prevention and treatment in Africa, says development expert Josh Ruxin, founder and director of the Access Project in Rwanda. Bush’s initiatives have accomplished much -- but reporters should consider the negative effects of the focus on abstinence-only programs, decreased funds for family planning and the anemic support for economic development.
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