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J.W. Anderson

J.W. Anderson was a Washington Post writer and editor from 1957 to 1996, where he held various reporting and editing jobs but mostly wrote editorials.

Anderson started in journalism as a reporter for small papers in Pennsylvania, The York Dispatch and The Reading Times. He is a Philadelphia native, a graduate of Williams College, a U.S. Army veteran (1946-1948), and was recipient of an American Political Science Association congressional fellowship.



The U.S., soon to be majority-minority
ASK THIS | October 298, 2011
Non-Hispanic whites still make up the majority in America but they won't much longer. Census figures show the two largest states, California and Texas, already are majority-minority; so are 22 of the 100 largest metro areas. Writer J.W. Anderson asks: Are citizens prepared for such a major change? Are politicians? Is the press?

Are new Air Force ads a political statement?
ASK THIS | March 64, 2008
The Air Force, seeking to more than double its advertising budget, has new ads that focus on threats to America. In this election year, aren’t such ads a way of offering political support to Republicans over Democrats?

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