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Ladd Everitt
Ladd Everitt has served as the Director of Communications of the
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence since May 2006. In this position, he
is responsible for developing and managing a wide range of
activities in support of the organization's overall mission.

Mr. Everitt has served as a volunteer with the D.C. Crisis
Response Team, a group which offers comfort, support and referral
services to victims and survivors of homicide in the District of
Columbia. From 2002-2007, he served as the volunteer President of the D.C. Chapter of the Million Mom March. Under his direction, the
chapter conducted events for victims and survivors of gun violence,
had letters and editorials published in local and national periodicals, participated in press conferences and demonstrations calling for sensible gun laws, networked with other community groups who are interested in stemming the tide of gun violence, and authored a comprehensive resource book for victims and survivors, which was used by the Metropolitan DC Police Department.

He relocated to the District of Columbia from New York in September
of 1993 to pursue a masters degree in U.S. Foreign Policy at American University. After completing his degree, he worked as a research associate with the U.S.-Saudi Arabian Business Council in Washington, and as a chief of policy development for the Air Force Association in Arlington, VA.



'Is the NRA paying mainstream reporters by the hour?'
ASK THIS | February 23, 2012
Two gun control advocates say that misstatements and fuzzy data coming from the National Rifle Association often are accepted by the press unchecked, and then disseminated, incorrectly, as trends and facts in American life. They point out, among other things, that gun sales are not perpetually rising; that neither are sales of guns to women, and that lax 'carry laws' have not been shown to lessen crime. There’s a lot of misinformation being spread, hardly examined at all by the press.

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