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Tim Johnson

Tim Johnson manages the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence's Meet
the NRA project. In this position, he is responsible for conducting
opposition research on members of the National Rifle Association's

Prior to undertaking the Meet the NRA project, he worked for the
Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence's Legal Action Project,
specializing in firearms-related public interest litigation. He has
also conducted lobbying campaigns for Iowans for the Prevention of Gun
Violence and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.  He is a graduate of
The George Washington University.



'Is the NRA paying mainstream reporters by the hour?'
ASK THIS | February 23, 2012
Two gun control advocates say that misstatements and fuzzy data coming from the National Rifle Association often are accepted by the press unchecked, and then disseminated, incorrectly, as trends and facts in American life. They point out, among other things, that gun sales are not perpetually rising; that neither are sales of guns to women, and that lax 'carry laws' have not been shown to lessen crime. There’s a lot of misinformation being spread, hardly examined at all by the press.

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