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Sheldon Danziger

Sheldon H. Danziger is the Henry J. Meyer Collegiate Professor of Public Policy and Research Professor at the Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan.


He is author and co-editor of numerous books and articles including: America Unequal; Detroit Divided; Understanding Poverty; Securing the Future: Investing in Children From Birth To College; Child Poverty and Deprivation in the Industrialized Countries; and Uneven Tides: Rising Inequality in America.


Danziger's research focuses on welfare reform, and on the effects of economic, demographic, and public policy changes on trends in poverty and inequality.




Are we better off today than we were – 30 years ago?
ASK THIS | September 247, 2004
University of Michigan public policy professor Sheldon Danziger says that reporters writing about the recent income report missed the big picture: We have had a generation in which there was no progress against poverty, even as the rich got richer.

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