Alan Berlow
Alan Berlow is a freelance journalist who writes frequently about criminal justice issues, and the author of Dead Season: A Story of Murder and Revenge (Vintage Books.) He may be reached via
The Texas Clemency Memos SHOWCASE | December 02, 2004 As the legal counsel to Texas Governor George W. Bush, Alberto R. Gonzales—now the White House counsel, and widely regarded as a likely future Supreme Court nominee—prepared fifty-seven confidential death-penalty memoranda for Bush's review. Never before discussed publicly, the memoranda suggest that Gonzales repeatedly failed to apprise Bush of some of the most salient issues in the cases at hand
Sen. Leahy said he likes Gonzales and lauded Bush for naming him attorney general. Not so fast, please. ASK THIS | December 02, 2004 Despite Leahy's compliments, it would be a disservice if members of the Senate Judiciary Committee go easy on Alberto Gonzales — and if the press lets them. Here are 50 or so pointed, important questions committee members should ask, offered by Alan Berlow, an author who has followed Gonzales closely.