Tyson Slocum
Tyson Slocum is the Research Director for Public Citizen's Energy Program. Public Citizen is a 30-year old group that advocates policies to protect consumers. Slocum promotes stronger regulation of energy markets, examines the impact of mergers and lax regulations over electricity, petroleum & natural gas and monitors federal legislation on energy issues. He conducts extensive research on the influence of corporate special interests on our political system and works to promote corporate and government accountability. He has authored numerous reports on these subjects, presenting his findings in testimony before the U.S. Congress. In addition, he appears regularly on Fox News, CNN and in print media like the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.
Slocum received his B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin and grew up in Rhode Island.
What will Obama do when goals collide?
ASK THIS | January 12, 2009
Going green is indeed one way to create jobs. But it can also lead to higher food costs, higher fuel costs and the erosion of property rights. Public Citizen's Tyson Slocum wants to know Obama's views on the various tradeoffs involved.
Taking a harder look at possible gasoline price-gouging
ASK THIS | April 19, 2005
The research director of Public Citizen's Energy Program says the press is too quick to conclude that price increases are simply due to supply and demand. Reporters, he says, aren't asking the right questions.
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