Katz was the Executive Director of Adoption Rhode Island from 1989-1999. He has been very active in state and national initiatives to remove barriers to adoption for children in foster care. His op-ed pieces have been published in many newspapers and he has led workshops at national conferences, testified before Congress, and participated in adoption programs at the White House. He has received an “Adoption Activist” award from the North American Council on Adoptable Children. He has a Masters Degree in Social Work from BostonUniversity and a Masters Degree in Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at HarvardUniversity.
Overcoming barriers to the adoption of foster children ASK THIS | September 13, 2005 Would-be foster parents in your area may be getting scared away by – of all things – bad customer care from your local child welfare agency. Here’s a watchdog story that could improve a lot of lives.