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Assessing the post-9/11 era | Are you safer now than you were 10 years ago?
Questions the press should be asking about national priorities and what nearly $8 trillion in national security spending since 9/11 has accomplished -- or failed to accomplish.

Unemployment crisis | Why journalists need to keep telling the sad stories of the American recession, and how to do it better
As long as unemployment remains at crisis levels, reporters need to keep documenting the toll of the recession through the personal stories of those who've lost work. Don Peck, author of a new book on our pinched post-recessionary future, suggests several ways to do that more effectively and has a few story ideas to boot.

Fighting words | 12 U.S.-related human rights stories the press is missing
We fight all over the globe in the name of human rights, but our own citizenry is woefully ignorant about the fundamental rights of men and women, writes the author of a new encyclopedia of human rights in the U.S. Meanwhile, our own leaders pick and choose which norms they feel like observing and which they don't and rely on our ignorance to get away with it.

A growing abuse | How many workers are losing their jobs to unpaid interns?
Writer Ross Perlin sees mounting public and private sector use of unpaid young workers and even older ones. In some instances, that’s a traditional way to get a foot in the door. But in many others it seems to be an abusive means of getting free help. Whatever happened to the principle that an honest day’s labor should be rewarded with a fair wage?

Pssst...Remember global warming? | As Aussies move toward a carbon tax, what are the lessons for the U.S.?
In Australia, despite strong industry and partisan opposition, the Labor prime minister is putting her coalition on the line on behalf of a clean energy initiative. Here writer William Claiborne examines the environmental isues, the politics (both Australian and American), and the steps toward remediation. His piece is a primer for reporters and editors who want to deal with global warming more seriously.

Officials won't | Ask the right questions before privatizing, not after
Public officials are succumbing to the promise of easy money and privatizing services and infrastructure -- at great long-term cost to the public and to democracy. The head of a new resource center on privatization writes that if our leaders won't do it then it's up to the media to ask tough questions, before it's too late.

Arab Summer? | How long can NATO keep going in Libya? (And other questions)
As Washington debates war powers, important unanswered questions keep mounting regarding the fate of Libya, writes Mideast expert Wayne White.

Start digging | What's behind lowered life expectancies for some American women?
A new report finds women are dying younger in hundreds of counties. The journalist whose in-depth reporting has focused attention on the issue suggests questions local reporters should be asking about how that could possibly be?

Georgia on his mind | Remember the Caucasus?
Three years after the brief war between Russia and Georgia, the still-smoldering conflict there has the potential to reignite as a political issue in both countries in 2012, an expert on the region writes.

Security trumps economics | Ten years and $1 trillion later, what has all our security spending achieved?
Security has trumped economics, conclude two academics who attempted to quantify the gains in security -- something the government refuses to do. They find that enhanced expenditures would be cost-effective only if a 9/11-scale attack would have occurred more than once a year without them.

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