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Torture Database | The primary documents of torture, now with meta tags
The ACLU's new Torture Database now makes it easy for the public -- and reporters -- to search through over 100,000 pages of documents related to the Bush administration’s rendition, detention, and interrogation policies and practices.

| Art and Life
A photographer, in Turkey, takes a moment for reflection.

Raining Hellfire | Civilian drone victims, unrecognized by the U.S. government and public, seek justice
The US says civilian deaths by CIA drones are 'exceedingly rare', but the survivors of one attack that killed 50 in Pakistan describe the horror of a Hellfire hit in a petition to the government to criminally charge those responsible.

Impunity Index | CPJ tracks where journalists are killed with impunity
One new resource from the Committee to Protect Journalists ranks countries by their failure to punish the murder of journalists; another offers advice on how not to become a victim.

What Potter Stewart said | Should the press interview grand jurors? Why not?
Barry Sussman describes how it was that the Washington Post’s Watergate reporters came to call on grand jurors, and says that, as an editor, if a similar situation arose he would make the same assignment again.

J-school journalism | Want a free car? Become a college sports coach.
Kent State student reporters find one school where coaches are advised to give car dealers tickets to games or other events, learn about their families, invite them to play golf, and so on. Works for the athletic department; not advised for science or history professors, or others.

‘Investigating Power’ | A tribute to reporting national 'moments of truth'
Investigative reporter and innovator Chuck Lewis taped interviews with journalists who played a role in some of the biggest stories of the past 60 years – national ‘moments of truth,’ as Lewis calls them. The result, ‘Investigating Power,’ is a tribute to good reporting and a reminder of how powerful the press can be when it does what is supposed to do.

| A History of Errors
Nieman Reports is compiling a list of important mistakes in journalism history -- a timeline of instances where the press got the story wrong; how the error occurred and what the impact may have been. Can you help?

From Nieman Reports | Lessons learned from a period of intense newspaper turmoil
Amanda Bennett, who was chief editor at the Philadelphia Inquirer for Knight Ridder, says that if she had it to do over again, one thing she would do is to have more trust in the news and the newspaper, and another would be to pay no attention to focus groups. (From the Spring 2012 edition of Nieman Reports, which asked editors what they would have done differently, knowing what they know now.)

‘A reminder of the watchdog role’ | L.A. Times wins Bingham Prize for 'Billions to Spend'
A six-part series after an 18-month investigation revealed 'poor planning, frivolous spending and shoddy work' -- an enormous boondoggle -- in the $5.7 billion rebuilding of nine community colleges.

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