Tracking the rise of the political consultants
SHOWCASE | October 14, 2006
In a helpful bit of journalism, the Center for Public Integrity reports that some 600 political consultants got paid $1.78 billion by candidates for election in 2004. A lot of it went to TV ads—but there was a lot left over, also.
By Nick Schwellenbach
About half of campaign spending in the 2004 election season went to political consultants, the non-partisan Center for Public Integrity found in an investigation of the rapidly growing and influential sector. The flow of money to consultants, especially ones that handle media, has played a major role in escalating the cost of campaigns and is little-explored territory for journalists.
A relatively small coterie of consultants—600—received $1.78 billion, the vast majority of campaign spending that went to consultants. The Center profiles several of the most prominent consultants from 2003-04 and has created a database of consultants that can be browsed or searched.
About two-thirds of the consultants’ fees, $1.2 billion, went to buy television ads. Consultants usually charge a 15 percent commission, payments not disclosed in Federal Election Commission reports, the Center notes. Media consultants routinely help decide the issues, shape messages, and play a key role in deciding when campaigns will turn negative.
There has been an eleven-fold increase in the cost of campaigns in the thirty years since 1976. One result is a growing perception that, with the high level of contributions needed for such expensive campaigns, politicians are bought and paid for by special interests; another is the creation of a higher hurdle for challengers. (During the same 30 years, the cost of living has increased by a factor of three.)
On average, according to CPI figures, winning campaigns spent $1 million for House races and $7 million for Senate ones in 2004. In 1976, winners "spent $87,000 to run for the House and $609,000 for the Senate," the Center's Sandy Bergo writes, citing a Congressional Research Service report.
Joe Trippi, the manager and consultant for Howard Dean's presidential bid, compares the increasing spending on consultants by campaigns to a nuclear arms race. "No one's willing to unilaterally disarm."
Consultants often recommend sophisticated polling, voter identification, and message-shaping services. But placing ads tends to be their specialty, and that, according to Cathy Allen, consultant and board member of the American Association of Political Consultants, is "the[ir] dirty little secret.” The perceived need for ads further weds campaigns to consultants, and may result in campaigns purchasing more advertising than they had originally planned.
Nick Schwellenbach is an investigator and blog editor at the Project On Government Oversight (POGO), an investigative non-profit organization in Washington, DC. 