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Leo Bogart

Leo Bogart died in October 2004 at the age of 84. He was a leading American sociologist and served as president of the American Association of Public Opinion Research and also the World Association of Public Opinion Research. He wrote about a dozen books, including three while in his eighties. He wrote a column for Presstime Magazine for many years and served as executive vice president and general manager of the Newspaper Advertising Bureau in New York. "No one can expect editors and reporters to be polling experts, but they should have the good sense to consult those who are," Bogart said.




Blue states vs. red states?
COMMENTARY | March 87, 2005
Sociologist Leo Bogart says that labeling states as 'red' or 'blue' disguises the complexity of people's thinking about politics. There's a good bit of blue in the red states, and vice versa.

Handle opinion polls the way you would any story: Do a credibility check
ASK THIS | March 83, 2004

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