Dr. Rachel Nardin is an assistant professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and a practicing neurologist at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. She is the chair of the Massachusetts chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program, a group with over 16,000 members that advocates for single payer health care reform.
What single payer is all about ASK THIS | August 11, 2009 Polls show public opinion highly supportive of single payer health insurance, and one version has been introduced in the House of Representatives. But Republicans and influential Democrats like Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus, with financial ties to insurers, are effectively blocking consideration of it.
Would a 'public option' bring real health care reform, or is it mostly an empty slogan? ASK THIS | August 02, 2009 Single payer advocate Rachel Nardin urges reporters to take a hard look at the so-called 'public option' part of health care reform. Not only is it a far cry from single payer, but as now conceived in Congress, it will insure relatively few people and have hardly any effect on costs.
What about the Massachusetts plan for universal coverage? ASK THIS | June 16, 2009 A single-payer advocate warns that the Massachusetts 2006 health care reforms, now being looked at by Congress, may not be a good model for the nation.