Adam Gamble is publisher at On Cape Publications in Massachusetts, where he has been since 1995. He is a writer and researcher who spent the past three years studying Japan and the Japanese news media for the book A Public Betrayed: An Inside Look at Japanese Media Atrocities and their Warnings to the West. The book is coauthored with Japanese Professor of Media Ethics, Takesato Watanabe.
An excerpt of A Public Betrayed appears on the University of Southern California's Annenberg School of Communications Web site. In addition, one can listen to or read a transcript of Gamble and Watanabe being interviewed on NPR's "On the Media."
In its October 1, 2004, issue, a Library Journal review said of A Public Betrayed that "the authors convincingly show that Japan’s print media are prone to distortion and mistakes." The authors "describe in detail the methods used by the newsweeklies to increase sales, including gossip, rumor and sometimes pornography," the review stated.