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Nancy Altman

Nancy Altman, author of The Battle for Social Security ia co-director of Social Security Works. She served on the Obama Campaign's Retirement Security Advisory Committee and later on the Advisory Committee to the Social Security Administration Transition Team. She also served as staff for the 1982 National Commission on Social Security Reform, the "Greenspan Commission,".



Before you write that Social Security is bankrupt….
COMMENTARY | April 19, 2012
Two ardent defenders of Social Security offer some context to reporters on the upcoming release of the 2012 Social Security Trustees Report, hoping to offset scary and unfounded headlines.

News flash! Journalists prepared to once again utterly misread annual Social Security Trustees report
ASK THIS | August 04, 2010
Thursday's report will once again describe an essential program in admirable fiscal health. But every year, journalists twist the facts to fit a narrative favored by the political elite: that the program is in crisis. Rather than manufacturing a false drama that shakes people's confidence about their future benefits, two Social Security experts write, reporters should stick to the facts.

Has Obama created a Social Security 'death panel'?
ASK THIS | May 21, 2010
If the press doesn't ask tough questions and stand up for the little guy, the powerful interests stacking President Obama’s deficit commission will use it to cut the social programs that most help the middle class and the vulnerable.

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