Mark Rosenman
Mark Rosenman directs Caring to Change. For 25 years, he has guided applied research projects to critically strengthen the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, paying particular attention to its infrastructure and its capacity to affect public policy and institutions. Much of his work was done while vice president for social responsibility and distinguished public service professor at the Union Institute & University; he now is a professor emeritus. He also was a research fellow at Independent Sector and a visiting fellow at Yale University.
He chaired OMB Watch for most of the organization’s history and continues to serve on its board. He also sits on the advisory group of the Centre for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy in the United Kingdom.
Rosenman sees his work as an extension of his earlier professional efforts in the civil rights movement, urban anti-poverty work, international and domestic program development, and in higher education. He believes that a healthy and vital charitable sector is essential to the commonweal, citizen participation and democracy. He lives and works in Washington, DC.
As income inequality grows, are charities making the problem better or worse?
ASK THIS | February 16, 2012
Most major charities are surprisingly unresponsive to economic suffering and increased inequality, writes an advocate for more socially responsive philanthropy. In fact, fueled by massive tax write-offs and paying big salaries to top executives, some look more like the problem than the solution.
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