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Calling all readers | Wanted: Tough questions for the presidential debates
ASK THIS | 169 comments | last comment October 296, 2012 02:48:10

New nukes? | So many questions about nuclear power
ASK THIS | 7 comments | last comment August 214, 2012 14:53:58

No investigation | Will the reasons for the Iraq war ever be known?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 197, 2012 18:29:49

The testing shell game | Miracle schools, vouchers and all that educational flim-flam
ASK THIS | 16 comments | last comment July 197, 2012 18:11:01

New website | Ten years later, renditions continue and questions remain unanswered
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment July 196, 2012 22:13:14

Cuttling lifelines | The U.S. is facing a retirement security crisis -- and Washington wants to make it worse
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment July 194, 2012 06:37:51

| The press needs to expose the siege of democracy, not abet it
COMMENTARY | 4 comments | last comment July 193, 2012 13:05:29

Moyers speaks | 'Our politicians are little more than money launderers in the trafficking of power and policy'
COMMENTARY | 14 comments | last comment July 190, 2012 17:48:28

Kushnick, Part 3 | The great Verizon FiOS ripoff
COMMENTARY | 18 comments | last comment July 188, 2012 15:24:58

National security | What about whistleblowers? And why the big Obama turnaround on state secrets?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 188, 2012 12:14:22

Next up: Freedom Square in DC | Is protest in America at a turning point?
COMMENTARY | 16 comments | last comment July 186, 2012 09:55:44

Hawkeye state head shaking | Do we really want Iowa to be first in 2016?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment July 185, 2012 17:24:10

Not a shining moment for the press | What if the Casey Anthony jury hadn't been sequestered?
ASK THIS | 193 comments | last comment July 184, 2012 12:38:29

When Roberts rules | A reporter's checklist for the impending Obamacare ruling
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 176, 2012 12:56:59

Enough with the ‘he said, she said’ | Job destroying taxes? Ask pols, which ones are those?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 176, 2012 12:49:32

Casualties of war | How many Mexicans must die for America’s drugs?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 176, 2012 12:44:14

Big numbers | Just how much does Washington spend on national security, all told?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 176, 2012 12:36:15

Conscience and integrity in journalism/' | Somali reporter wins Louis M. Lyons Award
SHOWCASE | 6 comments | last comment June 173, 2012 19:56:45

A whistleblower wonders | Why does Congress refuse to even ask the right questions about Afghanistan?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 167, 2012 20:18:56

Letter from Austin | In Texas, so many politicians’ names sound alike
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 167, 2012 12:51:33

Out of step | What does the U.S. have in common with South Sudan and Somalia?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 164, 2012 00:24:18

The press must sound the alarm | Remember 'too big to fail?' Want to see it again?
COMMENTARY | 5 comments | last comment June 163, 2012 16:34:08

Charter schools, test scores, evaluating teachers | Do politicians know anything at all about schools and education? Anything?
ASK THIS | 25 comments | last comment June 157, 2012 18:47:15

Too surreal to be true | Behind Stephen Colbert's fascination with Super PACs, c4s and 'independent' expenditures
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 153, 2012 22:18:46

Young women, children, immigrants, minorities, gays as targets | Cheap shots and scurrilous comments on the Internet, as seen from the heartland
COMMENTARY | 4 comments | last comment June 153, 2012 16:58:15

Kushnick, Part 2 | How wireless hype is hurting America
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 149, 2012 03:26:39

If 2+2=4, how much is 4-2? | Absurdity, if not piggishness, from the super-rich
COMMENTARY | 8 comments | last comment May 146, 2012 17:02:35

Reporting the endgame | The Afghanistan war and Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal
COMMENTARY | 4 comments | last comment May 143, 2012 10:52:56

'Today, errors aren't remedied' | Time to abandon the death penalty?
ASK THIS | 13 comments | last comment May 142, 2012 11:18:00

Register voters, pay a big penalty | The mean-spirited, massive drive to cut down the vote, state by state
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 141, 2012 18:23:41

Unintended consequences | Questioning the fundamentals in Afghanistan
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 139, 2012 21:30:46

What Potter Stewart said | Should the press interview grand jurors? Why not?
SHOWCASE | 3 comments | last comment May 139, 2012 13:46:39

A pressing question | Why is the New York Times enabling a U.S. government smear campaign against reporters exposing the drone wars?
ASK THIS | 4 comments | last comment May 137, 2012 18:58:14

Minority opinion | Is lack of diversity a factor in our failure in Afghanistan?
COMMENTARY | 9 comments | last comment May 137, 2012 14:51:26

Beyond the budget | Total economic cost of the war in Iraq: One to two trillion dollars
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment May 136, 2012 17:48:13

Raining Hellfire | Civilian drone victims, unrecognized by the U.S. government and public, seek justice
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment May 136, 2012 09:23:46

Kushnick, Part 4 | Broadband wars: The battle for New Jersey has begun
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 131, 2012 04:14:49

41 new members | International investigative reporting group expands
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment May 130, 2012 17:44:18

‘Investigating Power’ | A tribute to reporting national 'moments of truth'
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment May 129, 2012 07:11:16

The GOP, ‘an insurgent outlier’ | Mann and Ornstein can’t take it anymore
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment April 121, 2012 17:24:55

J-school journalism | Want a free car? Become a college sports coach.
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment April 121, 2012 17:19:17

Kushnick, Part 1 | Please, sir, may I have another?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 120, 2012 08:37:36

How much is too much? | It’s time to re-examine the Three Strikes Law
ASK THIS | 4 comments | last comment April 117, 2012 11:37:07

Special interests at work | Wisconsin: A case study in how corporations get the legislation they want
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 117, 2012 10:04:54

The real story | Before you write that Social Security is bankrupt….
COMMENTARY | 5 comments | last comment April 115, 2012 18:17:12

Sucking the economy dry | For class warfare, there’s the 1%, and then there’s the 0.1%
COMMENTARY | 4 comments | last comment April 111, 2012 11:56:17

Massive protests ahead? | If 25,000 people rally in midtown, is that a story?
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment April 109, 2012 23:12:11

A book review | Did Mark Felt even know he was Deep Throat?
COMMENTARY | 4 comments | last comment April 107, 2012 11:00:46

An ‘A’ student on an empty stomach | First feed the face and then talk higher ed
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 101, 2012 18:07:39

‘Is there a question in there somewhere?' | Goodbye to Mike Wallace and the news era he led
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment April 100, 2012 13:26:24

Looking ahead | What’s lost if the Supreme Court kills the health care reform act?
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment April 98, 2012 09:12:21

Blunder insurance | Whatever happened to talking about a war before launching it?
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment April 95, 2012 17:39:41

From Nieman Reports | Global health: a story rarely told
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 94, 2012 17:32:05

From Nieman Reports | Lessons learned from a period of intense newspaper turmoil
SHOWCASE | 2 comments | last comment March 82, 2012 20:20:04

Reality check | U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan are committing atrocities, lying, and getting away with it
COMMENTARY | 8 comments | last comment March 82, 2012 04:06:57

No filibusters in the Constitution | How majority rule works in the U.S. Senate
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment March 81, 2012 20:40:10

Social policy backfire | Does mass incarceration make us safer?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment March 74, 2012 21:24:48

A propagandist with a bent toward hate speech | Should Fluke sue Limbaugh for defamation?
COMMENTARY | 13 comments | last comment March 72, 2012 23:43:43

Facts not fiction, please | Editors, artists chafe at the errors and hype in bin Laden death story graphics
SHOWCASE | 75 comments | last comment March 72, 2012 08:51:45

‘A reminder of the watchdog role’ | L.A. Times wins Bingham Prize for 'Billions to Spend'
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment March 70, 2012 23:38:48

The New Jim Crow | How the Drug War has subjugated poor people of color and nullified the Fourth Amendment
COMMENTARY | 8 comments | last comment March 70, 2012 05:34:49

The U.S. and Islam | In the Middle East, history teaches us what not to do, over and over again
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 69, 2012 13:39:44

Learning from history | Six questions reporters should ask of anyone advocating military action against Iran
ASK THIS | 21 comments | last comment February 59, 2012 21:32:10

30,000 deaths a year | 'Is the NRA paying mainstream reporters by the hour?'
ASK THIS | 24 comments | last comment February 59, 2012 13:29:41

Good deeds? | As income inequality grows, are charities making the problem better or worse?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 53, 2012 10:36:59

A win-win? | The mounting case for a Financial Transaction Tax
COMMENTARY | 4 comments | last comment February 52, 2012 17:53:15

The Port Arthur Massacre | Want to avoid gun massacres? Australia shows how
ASK THIS | 20 comments | last comment February 49, 2012 10:35:13

Racial disparities | A good reason to do away with mandatory minimums?
ASK THIS | 4 comments | last comment February 47, 2012 00:11:00

| What's wrong with attacking Iran? Better to ask: What's right?
ASK THIS | 6 comments | last comment February 44, 2012 11:06:41

Vietnam revisited | Kissinger gets it wrong again
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 43, 2012 03:36:50

‘A suspect fraud footprint’ | FDA, VA approve drug despite its link to soldiers’ deaths
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment February 40, 2012 02:49:43

Reporting the endgame | A cold calculation: How much is too much to spend on Afghanistan?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 39, 2012 19:21:06

Church and state | Does God speak to the Republican National Committee?
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment February 33, 2012 18:12:30

Exposed after the patents expired | Why did the medical establishment allow Pharma's 12-year bone scam?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 32, 2012 00:20:16

Community or austerity? | The long-term care challenge isn't just a fiscal problem, it's a test of our nation's character
COMMENTARY | 6 comments | last comment January 30, 2012 20:46:04

| What’s the real plan behind the Keystone XL pipeline?
ASK THIS | 6 comments | last comment January 29, 2012 13:47:13

An insider's view | How the media enable the Republican tax agenda
COMMENTARY | 6 comments | last comment January 23, 2012 17:20:36

| Are the candidates repelling Republican voters?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment January 21, 2012 14:57:42

'A job creation myth' | New research weakens case for small business tax relief
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 19, 2012 12:26:07

Over-hyped, under-attended | Why pay attention to Iowa at all? Iowans don't.
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment January 17, 2012 15:27:39

Not to be picky, but | Rhetoric aside, since when do businesses care about job creation?
COMMENTARY | 5 comments | last comment January 16, 2012 17:58:21

| In poll, 6 in 10 Americans approve complete ban on torture
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment January 15, 2012 23:30:03

Too big to fail? Break ‘em up! | How many more crashes before we fix the economy?
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment January 04, 2012 15:38:52

How many U.S. soldiers were wounded in Iraq? We have no idea | How many U.S. soldiers were wounded in Iraq? We have no idea
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment January 02, 2012 17:48:00

What happened to tolerance? | GOP candidates, religion, and same-sex marriage in Iowa
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment December 365, 2011 18:42:19

$2.5-$3.3 billion expected | What should TV stations do with all that negative ad money?
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment December 363, 2011 10:40:31

A decade of renege | Time to break up the communications trusts?
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment December 355, 2011 23:56:03

The Murdoch/Ailes effect | Why not make a Fox question standard in all news polls?
ASK THIS | 5 comments | last comment December 347, 2011 22:22:23

Too much ‘politics as usual?’ | Strentz & Cranberg on whether to boycott Rick Perry
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment December 347, 2011 21:53:36

Shock troops of the super-rich | 'Wealth defense industry' protects oligarchs from the rabble and its taxes
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment December 346, 2011 22:18:18

Deception on the campaign trail | When candidates lie, what's a political reporter to do?
COMMENTARY | 11 comments | last comment December 345, 2011 10:55:25

Reporting the endgame | Missing from 9/11 anniversary coverage: crucial context and history
COMMENTARY | 6 comments | last comment December 343, 2011 06:05:53

A broken system | Where scrapes with the law are no impediment to being a cop
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment December 340, 2011 23:38:46

Reporting the endgame | Bagram prison, bigger than Guantanamo, its prisoners in limbo, cries out for some news coverage
COMMENTARY | 6 comments | last comment December 340, 2011 22:55:49

Bigger isn't better | Challenging corporate mythology
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment December 340, 2011 13:41:07

Think Tahrir Square | Which comes first: the Constitution or cities' no-camping rules?
ASK THIS | 7 comments | last comment December 337, 2011 17:11:02

| It's easy to blame debt on the debtors -- but that's missing the real story
COMMENTARY | 4 comments | last comment December 336, 2011 11:03:34

Some have drones, too | Local police forces are now little armies. Why?
ASK THIS | 7 comments | last comment December 335, 2011 19:33:40

One of a select group | Libyan, posthumously, is winner of the Louis Lyons Award
SHOWCASE | 5 comments | last comment November 327, 2011 06:02:47

2010 Census findings | The U.S., soon to be majority-minority
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment November 323, 2011 14:37:57

Go after the pols | Looking ahead: A handbook for Occupiers on winter days
ASK THIS | 7 comments | last comment November 323, 2011 13:24:05

Fraud? What fraud? | If you had to guess, would you say federal financial fraud prosecutions are up? Or down?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment November 320, 2011 11:51:49

Depression, stress, low esteem | The hidden toll of underemployment
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment November 320, 2011 11:39:15

Wrong story | Heeding fake concerns about propriety -- instead of real matters of substance
COMMENTARY | 5 comments | last comment November 306, 2011 21:05:28

Occupy Wall Street | Why now?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment October 299, 2011 23:27:10

Costs and benefits | Crunching the numbers on criminal justice
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 299, 2011 21:22:32

Who are the winners here? | When it comes to the Iranian assassination plot, where's the motivation?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 296, 2011 17:39:20

The ‘Red Market’ | Trade in bodies and body parts: Where reality bumps into ethics
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 296, 2011 10:55:51

| America's secret empire of drone bases
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 294, 2011 10:45:11

Deferring to the SecDef | Why is the press ignoring Panetta’s frenzied rhetoric and data-free myths?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 290, 2011 21:07:08

Time to get serious | How about getting some substance in those GOP presidential debates?
ASK THIS | 3 comments | last comment October 284, 2011 14:02:14

I.F. Stone Medal | Not depending on the authorities to tell the story
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment October 278, 2011 11:32:21

A sheep-like public | Step by step, what America has done wrong since 9/11
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 274, 2011 10:55:22

A Nieman Watchdog primer | Anyone smell a big, regressive Value Added Tax coming our way?
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment October 274, 2011 10:48:40

Reporting the Collapse | Patent system adds hundreds of billions every year to health care costs
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment September 273, 2011 22:10:54

Tax ‘Reform’ traps | The future of our economy depends on how well the media cover the tax debate
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 270, 2011 15:06:15

Growing inequality | Why the new poverty numbers are bad news for tomorrow's America
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment September 266, 2011 18:42:03

Twisting the news | A history of failed press coverage of Afghanistan
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment September 263, 2011 14:48:55

‘Undeniably useful?’ | On identifying rape suspects by their color
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment September 263, 2011 10:26:50

New leadership | Ann Marie Lipinski named new curator of Nieman Foundation
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment September 260, 2011 22:53:02

We all deserve better | The press nods as absurdity, lies prevail in the budget debate
COMMENTARY | 8 comments | last comment September 252, 2011 22:40:19

Reporting the endgame | At least 1,400 arrests for antiwar dissent, but who’s counting? Not the press.
COMMENTARY | 24 comments | last comment September 252, 2011 22:31:47

Book tour | 11 questions reporters should be asking Dick Cheney
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 249, 2011 16:04:28

Reporting the endgame | Needed: More American reporters in Afghanistan
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 238, 2011 04:11:11

Reporting the endgame | The war without end is a war with hardly any news coverage
COMMENTARY | 6 comments | last comment August 224, 2011 18:10:46

A colonel's view | Frustration in the Army officer corps -- the untold story
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment August 224, 2011 13:33:57

Fact and fiction | What's real and what's not about the 'debt crisis'
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment August 223, 2011 00:16:12

See the AAPOR code of ethics | Financial Times, Lazard hide the ball on green energy poll
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 217, 2011 20:14:01

| Correcting an earlier Nieman Watchdog story
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment July 211, 2011 09:31:06

Reporting the endgame | Coulda, woulda, shoulda coverage of antiwar protests
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment July 209, 2011 19:21:41

‘See one, do one, teach one’ | The Morning News takes a long, hard look at hospital care in Dallas
SHOWCASE | 49 comments | last comment July 209, 2011 00:21:43

Pssst...Remember global warming? | As Aussies move toward a carbon tax, what are the lessons for the U.S.?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 195, 2011 21:31:17

No accountability | Is torture in our future as well as our past?
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment July 195, 2011 21:25:42

Events without notice | In Des Moines, Gannett’s cuts are devastating
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment July 192, 2011 14:03:19

Arab Summer? | How long can NATO keep going in Libya? (And other questions)
ASK THIS | 3 comments | last comment July 189, 2011 22:24:17

Torture, American style | Abuse has no place in interrogation policy
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment July 188, 2011 18:15:58

A book excerpt | Remember 'Hunger in America?' It’s still here
SHOWCASE | 3 comments | last comment June 178, 2011 00:56:36

What’s behind the hype? | Shifting standards in the world of school reform
ASK THIS | 6 comments | last comment June 178, 2011 00:10:47

Never let reality intrude | Real data v. WSJ editorial page, Fox News, and talk radio
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment June 176, 2011 01:50:25

Abandoning the future | Texas as a model for gutting government programs
COMMENTARY | 10 comments | last comment June 166, 2011 22:58:19

Lessons learned? | How the press can prevent another Iraq
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment June 166, 2011 22:56:07

‘Excavating facts’ | Investigative reporter A.C. Thompson wins the 2011 I.F. Stone Medal
SHOWCASE | 4 comments | last comment June 166, 2011 21:59:27

Early in the process | Nearing the tipping point in the United States?
COMMENTARY | 4 comments | last comment June 164, 2011 21:51:16

Georgia on his mind | Remember the Caucasus?
ASK THIS | 4 comments | last comment June 161, 2011 13:48:58

Different landlords | Occupying Iraq, State-Department style
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 159, 2011 12:00:23

Security trumps economics | Ten years and $1 trillion later, what has all our security spending achieved?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment June 159, 2011 11:54:00

What happens next? | If no one covers it, is it a revolution?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 144, 2011 08:50:25

Obama's deficit gang | Has Obama created a Social Security 'death panel'?
ASK THIS | 13 comments | last comment May 142, 2011 17:59:27

Tinfoil hats? What tinfoil hats? | The Iowa Caucuses -- too ingrained to fail?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 141, 2011 15:39:58

Reporting the endgame | Why stay in Afghanistan if the reasons for being there no longer exist?
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment May 137, 2011 13:03:35

'Identifying up' | Yes, there are lots of blue-collar Republicans. But why?
ASK THIS | 7 comments | last comment May 131, 2011 16:15:53

| In Australia, after bin Laden
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 124, 2011 13:37:07

| What about drones now? What about Afghanistan?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment May 123, 2011 20:59:04

Stay in Washington, Mr. Ryan | How the press aids and abets the GOP attack on the middle class
COMMENTARY | 5 comments | last comment May 123, 2011 15:54:50

It's all speculation | Is the energy-fraud cop back on the beat?
ASK THIS | 4 comments | last comment May 123, 2011 08:41:13

Nip it in the bud | Killing a false narrative before it takes hold
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 122, 2011 23:59:12

Honored | Patricia Wald's poignant Constitutional questions
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 122, 2011 20:25:49

| Getting beyond the school-reform hype
ASK THIS | 3 comments | last comment April 113, 2011 16:54:57

Here we go again | Is Middle East unrest causing oil price spikes? Maybe not.
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 112, 2011 12:54:03

An appreciation | John Moss and the battle for freedom of information, 41 years later
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment April 105, 2011 11:32:56

But we’re really 15th | If hype were broadband, the U.S. would be No. 1
ASK THIS | 5 comments | last comment April 103, 2011 20:28:01

| Rebuilding after the terrible tragedy in Japan
ASK THIS | 5 comments | last comment April 91, 2011 23:51:05

From Nieman Reports | Dealing with massively corrupt reporting in Eastern Europe
SHOWCASE | 2 comments | last comment March 86, 2011 09:38:10

| The figure no one wants you to see
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment March 75, 2011 01:49:59

Nieman honors | Michael J. Berens wins Worth Bingham Prize for 'Seniors for Sale'
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment March 74, 2011 15:27:52

Standing naked at Quantico | More questions for Obama about Bradley Manning
ASK THIS | 3 comments | last comment March 71, 2011 19:01:54

A role for Twitter | Why are Tennessee residents buried in coal ash?
ASK THIS | 3 comments | last comment March 69, 2011 01:14:01

The 45% Trigger | For Medicare, 'modernization' means 'destruction'
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 67, 2011 07:39:10

51 million nobodies | The tax increase nobody talks -- or asks -- about
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 60, 2011 15:24:29

A rare unifying force | America, Afghanistan, and the Facebook revolutions
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment February 58, 2011 10:34:45

A Tea Party of the Left | What a populist rebellion might look like
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment February 52, 2011 20:33:39

Subsidizing Chinese spying? | State and local corporate welfare are mind-boggling. Where's the reporting?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment February 34, 2011 17:08:39

Oil spill redux | What about the fishermen? And other questions from the Gulf
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment January 20, 2011 08:57:28

Public vs. private | Do warnings about a public option sound familiar?
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment January 15, 2011 12:00:23

| ‘Killer ate fried chicken, waited’
SHOWCASE | 3 comments | last comment January 15, 2011 09:04:44

The prophets of war | Big Brother now has a name: Lockheed Martin
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment January 14, 2011 13:41:26

| No enthusiasm for this war
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment January 12, 2011 12:49:41

From Nieman Reports | A devastating commentary on basic American news reporting
COMMENTARY | 5 comments | last comment January 07, 2011 19:21:58

From Nieman Reports | A call to dedicate a beat to the subject of secrecy
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment December 357, 2010 00:11:34

Torture report | Ten questions for Harold Koh about torture and U.S. compliance with its legal commitments
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment December 354, 2010 11:46:35

| Restore the draft to provide a real referendum on wars
COMMENTARY | 7 comments | last comment December 354, 2010 10:33:00

But in this case, no happy ending | How watchdog reporting is supposed to work
SHOWCASE | 2 comments | last comment December 349, 2010 15:52:53

In a trap for three decades | The GOP’s Communist-style rigidity
COMMENTARY | 9 comments | last comment December 347, 2010 06:52:12

| Writer charges abuse of justice in the Kerik case
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment December 346, 2010 02:09:52

It's that time of year | No more meals, only coffee comes with the AARP spiel
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment December 340, 2010 12:00:08

Talk about investment opportunities | Americans go to Vietnam (and love it), so why not Cuba?
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment December 340, 2010 00:11:40

From juvenile crime to corrections budgets | Basic questions on the criminal justice system
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment December 336, 2010 06:28:35

A criminal enterprise | Nine stories the press is underreporting -- fraud, fraud and more fraud
ASK THIS | 18 comments | last comment November 333, 2010 12:19:00

| Let the Bush-era tax cuts expire…all of them
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment November 328, 2010 16:05:57

The risk has never been greater | Murdering with impunity: the dramatic rise in the slaying of reporters
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment November 326, 2010 09:12:42

How long will allies stay the course? | Afghanistan and the U.S. from afar: Doubts on the rise
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment November 324, 2010 06:07:11

Fraud everywhere | What in the world is going on inside Bank of America?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment November 312, 2010 14:16:48

The news industry | Can the media and the bar get too close for ethical comfort?
COMMENTARY | 4 comments | last comment November 310, 2010 23:13:56

An overview | Medicare is under attack, but you can’t tell it by most press coverage
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment November 310, 2010 15:28:41

| Teaching judges a lesson in Iowa
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment November 308, 2010 12:03:53

$361 million per plane | The F-22 Raptor is said to be invisible...until it isn't
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment November 307, 2010 13:12:25

| Is this the year the polls go wrong?
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment November 305, 2010 14:15:02

Digging in | Building up, not drawing down, in Afghanistan
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment November 305, 2010 05:34:06

Looking for a solution | How severe is the public employee pension problem across the U.S.? (Hint: Is a $3 trillion debt severe?)
ASK THIS | 5 comments | last comment November 305, 2010 05:33:48

The fix was in | The more we learn about how the Iraq War began the worse the story gets
SHOWCASE | 2 comments | last comment October 301, 2010 01:00:12

View From Beirut | Who speaks for the innocent Lebanese?
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment October 296, 2010 20:08:23

First in a series | Where’s that broadband fiber-optic access?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment October 294, 2010 16:31:35

Where’s the reporting? | A Watergate lesson: Secret money means payoffs, bribes and extortion
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 292, 2010 22:38:36

Let the punishment suit the crime? | Holding executives accountable for corporate wrongdoing
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment September 272, 2010 16:09:51

George Wilson’s column | Targeted assassinations abroad could lead to a police state at home
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 267, 2010 00:44:26

Avoidable clash | Muslim integration falling victim to media drive for conflict
COMMENTARY | 4 comments | last comment September 262, 2010 13:39:45

Prescription drugs included | For a model health care system, how about Australia's?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment September 260, 2010 12:56:19

A letter to the FCC | So Verizon and AT&T are 'very small businesses?'
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 257, 2010 12:34:15

'Painful reminders' | Why the torture story needs to be told
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment August 243, 2010 01:09:26

'Regulatory capture' | The BP disaster underscores government as the problem, not the solution
ASK THIS | 31 comments | last comment August 235, 2010 17:40:25

Cui bono? | Six essential questions about the deficit, Wall Street and Washington
ASK THIS | 7 comments | last comment August 233, 2010 23:38:30

Staffers posed as consumers | Sen. Grassley knows a good story when he sees it
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment August 233, 2010 20:11:29

Are the CIA torture tapes next? | New questions raised about prosecutor who cleared Bush officials in U.S. Attorney firings
ASK THIS | 7 comments | last comment August 232, 2010 21:31:54

Bad cover | The real story behind Time’s Afghan woman cover: American complicity
COMMENTARY | 19 comments | last comment August 232, 2010 19:42:32

Steaming mad | We’re hot as hell and we’re not going to take it any more
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment August 230, 2010 13:04:15

System is getting worse | Government reduces in-prison education even though it helps lower recidivism
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment August 228, 2010 18:52:50

A how-not-to guide | News flash! Journalists prepared to once again utterly misread annual Social Security Trustees report
ASK THIS | 3 comments | last comment August 224, 2010 15:42:00

Feeling any resentment yet? | Will Americans get to like it in the Third World?
COMMENTARY | 5 comments | last comment August 214, 2010 22:36:47

Buy his book | The essential, undistractable Engelhardt
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment July 212, 2010 02:19:34

A role for the press here | Cut tax expenditures to stimulate the economy
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment July 208, 2010 21:39:09

George Wilson’s column | Is Petraeus figuring on perpetual war?
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment July 208, 2010 15:58:17

No end in sight | Is there no end to Operation Enduring War?
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment July 206, 2010 16:01:23

Hitting a limit | Missing the real drama of the Deepwater Horizon blowout
ASK THIS | 5 comments | last comment July 204, 2010 20:50:56

| AARP and the privatization of Medicare
ASK THIS | 4 comments | last comment July 204, 2010 18:00:41

| Bob Giles on the U.S. refusal to allow entry to a Nieman Fellow
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment July 204, 2010 10:55:06

What's the mission? | Possibly seeking the impossible
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment July 203, 2010 17:55:44

Obama's Afghan strategy | A war that only the War Machine could love
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment July 185, 2010 17:00:46

What’s next: Ratchet up, or pull out? | Was it the four-letter words, used over and over, that brought down McChrystal?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment June 180, 2010 01:56:34

Justice Commission | After a three-decade-long social experiment in incarceration, what do we have to show for it?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment June 176, 2010 15:54:26

The 3rd annual award | Craig McCoy of the Inquirer wins the 2010 I.F. Stone Medal
SHOWCASE | 2 comments | last comment June 165, 2010 16:58:21

| A little context for the BP oil spill: It isn't the Apocalypse
COMMENTARY | 30 comments | last comment June 162, 2010 18:13:29

Thank you, Arthur Brooks | AEI president, trying to save America
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 159, 2010 11:19:27

Metrics for Iraq | Is it a civil war, or isn’t it?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 150, 2010 22:38:50

‘A feigned democracy breeds cynicism’ | Will the states intervene to get our democracy back?
ASK THIS | 370 comments | last comment May 144, 2010 17:54:40

Inauguration thoughts | It's time for a Wiki White House
COMMENTARY | 462 comments | last comment May 144, 2010 15:45:57

George Wilson's column | Bob Gates is shouting for weapons spending cuts; won't someone listen?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 143, 2010 13:29:16

George Wilson’s column | A plea to deal with soldiers’ invisible wounds
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment May 142, 2010 14:51:18

| When Looking at Mexico’s Drug Violence, Don’t Forget Guatemala’s Silent Mafia
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 141, 2010 18:24:52

Blind devotion to a failed idea | Why is it so hard for the press to ask such an easy question?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 138, 2010 22:47:26

The more things change… | Remembering the Flexner Report as a drug firm pays $520 million for misleading marketing
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 136, 2010 08:42:31

A low point | Institutional anemia cripples congressional oversight
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment May 127, 2010 00:34:18

Q&A | An interview with the winner of the Pulitzer grand prize
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment April 120, 2010 12:40:21

| We’re No. 1, says Verizon CEO Seidenberg
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 118, 2010 14:08:42

| Tax cuts are expenditures. Got that, reporters?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 110, 2010 18:10:23

Extreme prosecution, extreme sentence | Another look at the Kerik case
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 107, 2010 17:29:39

Think Glenn Beck | So Rupert, would you say Fox News is fair and balanced?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 104, 2010 20:10:46

War spending | Tax day, America's wars, and one mayor's powerful statement
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 104, 2010 00:43:18

George Wilson's column | If we’re stuck with the F-35, let’s at least do it right
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 101, 2010 23:32:30

Follow the money | Taking a harder look at possible gasoline price-gouging
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 99, 2010 23:20:40

Doctrine check | Top five questions to ask the Pentagon
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 95, 2010 11:39:50

| A dangerous assignment gone really, really bad
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 93, 2010 17:54:12

Embedded with killers | (Un) Covering the Death Squads in El Salvador
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment April 91, 2010 23:46:58

Not to be trusted | How the FCC's exciting new broadband plan is a fraud
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 84, 2010 09:13:29

Republicans seen as obstructionists | McClatchy survey finds huge support – 2 to 1 – for health care reform
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 75, 2010 14:32:58

Culpable Congress? | Tax favors, IBM, and the murder of Vernon Hunter
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 71, 2010 17:32:20

Reporting the Collapse | Republicans are locked in a passionate embrace with a corpse and won't let go
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 71, 2010 03:48:48

George Wilson's column | Tell us again, please: What’s the reason we’re in Afghanistan?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 70, 2010 17:12:34

No money, no food, no fuel | New survey tells it like it is in Afghanistan: Primitive
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 67, 2010 18:30:32

The Schiavo case | Why did Jeb Bush attack the New York Times so viciously?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 65, 2010 15:27:41

Bases Everywhere | Digging in for the long haul in Afghanistan
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment March 62, 2010 20:10:28

Kiss your wall jack goodbye? | Is basic American telephone service in a death spiral?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 57, 2010 10:13:35

David Baumfield, New Zealand | Ambivalence down under
DISCUSSIONS | 1 comment | last comment February 50, 2010 05:52:28

Life over property | Covering Haiti: When the media is the disaster
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 47, 2010 13:58:58

Reporting the Collapse | Where’s the reporting on the fraud that led to the crash?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 39, 2010 11:12:54

Lincoln warned about ‘enthroning corporations’ | Some remedies for the Supreme Court power grab
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 36, 2010 19:34:07

Calling Isaac Asimov | War of the robots -- all too real questions we have to ask
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 33, 2010 21:15:26

Reporting the Collapse | Seven things about the economy that everyone should be more worried about than they are
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 32, 2010 16:33:56

Bad examples | Making a mess, as seen by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 31, 2010 12:58:51

War-making machine | Ten questions about the U.S.'s intensifying war efforts in the year to come
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment January 28, 2010 09:43:59

Reporting the Collapse | How about trying some unconventional wisdom for a change?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 26, 2010 04:59:22

An appeal for perspective | What next, after outrage?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 26, 2010 00:10:00

George Wilson's column | Why rush the F-35 into production?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment January 25, 2010 20:13:40

Breathless press corps | Press hits the dumb button on body scanner reporting
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment January 25, 2010 11:45:44

Reporting the Collapse | As joblessness rises, reporters need to focus on calls for a second stimulus.
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 25, 2010 11:00:43

Scare tactics | Yemeni Gitmo detainees now the victims of hysteria
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment January 25, 2010 10:48:10

| Regarding that government takeover of health care…
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment January 24, 2010 14:55:20

Reporting the collapse | What the press can learn from its failure to report the housing bubble before it burst
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 24, 2010 02:57:35

Reporting the Collapse | Needed: a new industrial policy that responds to things as they are now, not as they used to be
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 24, 2010 02:40:24

Reporting the Collapse | The economic debate is a little too bloodless
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 24, 2010 02:34:51

Reporting the Collapse | A need to 'dig beneath the corporate surface'
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 24, 2010 02:21:42

Reporting the Collapse | How much have today’s wars weakened the economy?
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment January 24, 2010 02:08:36

Reporting the Collapse | Poverty keeps growing in the U.S. but the press is almost blind to it
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 24, 2010 02:02:02

Reporting the Collapse | World poverty: so important but so little coverage
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 24, 2010 01:52:33

A practitioner and teacher | Jon Alpert wins 2009 I.F. Stone Medal
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment January 16, 2010 00:55:17

Digging In | The Pentagon's building boom in Afghanistan indicates a long war ahead
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 02, 2010 07:32:19

Base Building | We may be leaving Iraq, but we're not going far
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment January 02, 2010 07:24:35

Skeptical about Internet | A journalist talks about life after buy-outs
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment December 362, 2009 18:29:01

George Wilson’s column | We’ve said what we’re going to do in Afghanistan. Now, how will the Taliban and al Qaida respond?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment December 342, 2009 05:36:52

Not much press coverage, either | 'There hasn't been two seconds of intelligent discussion about living standards in Afghanistan'
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment December 341, 2009 13:42:32

It’s not 1997 any more | Why does the FCC keep using old data?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment December 339, 2009 11:42:08

The limits of force | Not every 'failed state' is a threat
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment December 339, 2009 03:59:08

Reporting the Collapse | The case for taxing the very rich
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment December 336, 2009 08:09:46

A lecture on reconciliation | ‘Wall Street’s excesses caused more deaths among children than the tsunami four years ago’
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment November 334, 2009 12:53:00

Reminiscing… | Crowd sourcing in Des Moines in the old days
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment November 331, 2009 19:39:34

A newsman's view | John S. Carroll on why newspapers matter
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment November 323, 2009 21:32:02

Reporting the Collapse | Story ideas, from an expert
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 303, 2009 19:24:12

Thinking the unthinkable | The world, through Iran’s telescope
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 300, 2009 10:57:57

The press as ‘ventriloquists’ dummies | Covering prosecutors calls for tough-minded reporters
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 292, 2009 23:42:15

| Private Profits, Cost Shifting and the Public Option
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 287, 2009 16:09:08

Justice delayed | Tracking down racist killers from the 50s, 60s and 70s
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 286, 2009 04:33:53

The overseas press | Afghanistan, the black hole
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 285, 2009 12:58:52

From Nieman Reports | Why the news media became irrelevant—and how social media can help
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 285, 2009 04:27:11

Reporting the Collapse, Part 1 | Doing a better job coping with economic disaster
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 282, 2009 20:11:12

| Expect big problems in the switch to digital TV
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 276, 2009 20:52:24

From CongressDaily.com | For Obama, the clock is ticking on Afghanistan
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 275, 2009 14:45:55

Election 2008 | How unscrupulous campaign strategists are taking advantage of a quirk in our brains – and what reporters can do to stop helping them
COMMENTARY | 38 comments | last comment October 274, 2009 07:40:53

Sound and fury aside… | Would a 'public option' bring real health care reform, or is it mostly an empty slogan?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 273, 2009 19:39:19

Learning from history | Questions that need to be asked about Afghanistan
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 272, 2009 18:57:03

An interrogator's view | The flawed thinking of the administration's torture advocates
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 269, 2009 20:36:29

A book excerpt | Alex Jones on objectivity in reporting
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 261, 2009 00:56:02

From Nieman Reports | The Daily Telegraph gives its audience an audience
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 259, 2009 13:11:29

‘Treating islanders like guinea pigs’ | Reporting and producing Newsday’s first investigative documentary
SHOWCASE | 2 comments | last comment September 255, 2009 10:51:54

The overseas press | Afghanistan is seen as poisoning the Obama presidency
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 252, 2009 13:37:37

Hard pressed to find a kind word | How Iowans are looking at Grassley
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 248, 2009 14:42:12

Socialized insurance, not socialized medicine | What single payer is all about
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 242, 2009 11:09:44

It’s not just supply and demand | Must we have $4 gas prices again? And if so, why?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 241, 2009 15:00:02

George Wilson's column | Afghanistan is Obama’s war. What’s he going to do with it?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 241, 2009 14:46:40

Overseas bases | Three good reasons to liquidate our empire
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 241, 2009 14:35:16

A teacher's view | Bringing diversity to the newsroom is not the same as bringing diversity to the coverage
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 238, 2009 16:01:11

White House e-mail scandal | Are political journalists falling prey to technological misdirection?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 236, 2009 13:24:04

Myth busting | The top 5 food-safety questions journalists should be asking
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 234, 2009 19:33:29

Medicare for all | The case for a single payer health plan
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 234, 2009 14:49:19

Cobell v. Interior, aka Jarndyce v. Jarndyce | Interior Indian trustee responds to posting
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 229, 2009 03:20:20

| You thought it was only Republicans who’d block a government-run health insurance alternative? Maybe not.
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 227, 2009 16:21:30

‘They dump the sick’ | Wendell Potter, speaking from experience, exposes health insurers’ misleading, profit-driven tactics
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 222, 2009 23:34:07

From Nieman Reports | Mining the coal beat: Keeping watch over an 'outlaw' industry
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment August 220, 2009 07:38:03

The overseas press | U.S. health care reform, seen from abroad
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 213, 2009 21:59:13

Much harshness revealed | Two Web sites help reporters overcome the language barrier
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment July 206, 2009 09:53:49

A hardly-noticed, costly win for special interests | The switch to digital TV—an early bailout that went awry
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment July 204, 2009 12:29:21

America as attack dog | Does Congress have anything to say about a war that goes on, and on, and on?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment July 203, 2009 12:23:31

'DocumentCloud' | Coming soon: Data mining made easier
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment July 194, 2009 22:19:21

‘Boundless potential’ | The future of watchdog reporting brightens as nonprofit groups organize a new network
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment July 188, 2009 09:01:23

An obligation to look back | So much we still need to know
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment July 187, 2009 20:10:44

Remember Francis Gary Powers? | A defensive crouch is nothing new for the CIA
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment July 186, 2009 15:30:31

The Afghan quagmire | Obama's non-exit strategy
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 181, 2009 21:51:13

| For the poor, the misery just keeps piling up
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 178, 2009 21:03:46

Q&A with Mike Roselle | Civil disobedience at Coal River Mountain
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 171, 2009 09:12:57

Disgrace behind bars | Abu Ghraib aside; where is the reporting on U.S. prisons?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 146, 2009 13:59:19

Looking backward | Establishing the connection between the Bush White House and Abu Ghraib
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 145, 2009 10:55:54

Asking to be heard | Doctors ask: Why such poor coverage of single-payer?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 143, 2009 07:10:10

Follow the paper trail | Dogging the torture story
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 142, 2009 17:56:01

The overseas press | The torture discussion is heating up internationally
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 132, 2009 16:00:44

Tobacco money | Parsing an op ed ad in the Times
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 131, 2009 21:25:55

Reporting on abuses could be crucial | Why aren’t domestic corporations backing Obama on limiting offshore tax breaks?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 130, 2009 10:15:54

Looking backward | Following the paper trail to the top
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 127, 2009 10:16:55

| Cheney says he approved waterboarding. Is that the end of the story?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 125, 2009 18:04:25

The overseas press | Detainee torture, seen from abroad
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 123, 2009 10:23:29

Agnes Bragadóttir, Iceland | Suffering badly in the propaganda wars
DISCUSSIONS | 1 comment | last comment April 117, 2009 21:02:21

The overseas press | High seas crisis seen as a test of Obama
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 111, 2009 08:32:51

Up 63 percent in 5 years | Pentagon PR spending soars
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 107, 2009 09:21:16

‘Fly before buy’ | Cuts may be coming in the U.S. missile defense program
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 105, 2009 07:52:45

The overseas press | ‘Obama may have shut up his critics…for the moment’
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 105, 2009 07:08:04

Crack vs. powder | Time to change cocaine sentencing minimums?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 104, 2009 14:46:47

The ‘Post 9/11 GI Bill’ | It’s time to report on the new GI Bill
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 98, 2009 02:05:47

28% of the population | Just how monolithic are American Evangelicals?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 93, 2009 14:28:50

What do we want banks to do? | Questions about nationalizing the banks
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 90, 2009 15:15:11

We’re at war now, too | Ask Obama about a truly progressive income tax
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 88, 2009 11:57:34

Whose army is it? | Has the U.S. military become an imperial foreign legion?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 86, 2009 11:07:14

Look for a student loan controversy | Following up on Obama’s plans for higher education
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 83, 2009 12:57:52

Breathtaking new fortunes | The wealth puzzle: There’s a lot of money someplace, but where?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 78, 2009 03:49:33

A full-court diplomatic press | Iran and the nuclear bomb
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 77, 2009 10:34:23

Any more like him out there? | Watchdogs, meet a gadfly
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 60, 2009 11:57:32

Kickbacks and conflicts of interest | Stop killing kids softly with loan rip-offs
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment February 56, 2009 00:03:14

Self-censorship at work? | Criticizing Israel is not an anti-Semitic act
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 55, 2009 10:32:16

The new administration | Nine climate questions for President Obama
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 53, 2009 10:40:00

The other war | What's the plan in Afghanistan?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 51, 2009 10:53:55

Q&A | Local papers find their inner watchdogs
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment February 50, 2009 20:32:40

Crises are great for profits | The method behind endless gasoline price spikes
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 45, 2009 04:15:25

The new administration | Will Obama reassess the threat posed by al Qaeda?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 44, 2009 17:06:48

Living up to the standards of I.F. Stone | The lessons of our failure
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment February 43, 2009 11:32:25

The new administration | Just how 'transformational' does Obama intend to be?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 34, 2009 10:33:54

Burying the news | Newspaper Web sites and White House disinformation
COMMENTARY | 30 comments | last comment January 22, 2009 14:02:33

Moment of truth | The next president should open up the Bush Administration's record
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment January 21, 2009 16:41:12

The new administration | Will Obama stem the tide of patronage?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment January 20, 2009 06:50:01

History repeating itself | Afghanistan makes Iraq look easy
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 18, 2009 12:24:17

The overseas press | All eyes, all over the world, on Obama
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 16, 2009 18:34:31

'Lonely journalism' | A special Pulitzer for Knight Ridder's pre-war coverage?
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment January 14, 2009 19:59:24

Skills in demand are Web-related | The shrinking newspaper
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 13, 2009 12:36:58

The new administration | What will Obama do when goals collide?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment January 13, 2009 10:43:49

A Pulitzer prize, and then some | The press and the new consumer protection law
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment January 12, 2009 07:36:02

Probing Obama | Questions for the new administration regarding the use and misuse of intelligence
ASK THIS | 3 comments | last comment January 10, 2009 11:59:13

Economic stimulus | What to look for in proposed tax breaks
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 09, 2009 13:56:39

Nieman Reports | The changing truths of journalism
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment January 02, 2009 11:00:52

Nieman Reports | How much more can we shrink editorial attention spans?
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment December 364, 2008 09:37:11

| Shifting the health insurance burden
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment December 361, 2008 00:10:28

An Enron effect | Speculators – not supply and demand – are to blame for skyrocketing gas prices
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment December 352, 2008 00:35:22

Spinning scandal | Networks should replace Pentagon cheerleaders with independent military analysts
COMMENTARY | 3 comments | last comment December 346, 2008 18:05:09

‘Give something of value’ | Of course we'll have newspapers. But will there be any news in them?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment December 346, 2008 16:53:15

Part One | Twelve things journalists need to remember to be good economic reporters
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment December 344, 2008 10:57:26

The latest in Pentagon propaganda | A 7,600-word disappearing act
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment December 342, 2008 18:23:51

Life-changing effects | Brain injuries: something soldiers and athletes have in common
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment December 339, 2008 16:59:23

Assymetric warfare | Why victory became defeat in Iraq
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment November 332, 2008 09:47:15

The candidates, privatization and the '45% trigger' | Is Medicare important to Obama? To McCain?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment November 332, 2008 03:23:43

| Phil Meyer, raising the ante again
SHOWCASE | 3 comments | last comment November 330, 2008 15:28:40

`The system stinks` | Health insurance from an employer's viewpoint
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment November 323, 2008 10:47:05

A crisis of legitimacy for capitalism | Some serious talk about 'spreading the wealth'
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment November 306, 2008 18:44:57

$2.06 a gallon in Iowa | The closer the election, the lower the price of gas
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 301, 2008 20:33:27

Election 2008 | Ten questions to ask Sarah Palin
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment October 301, 2008 00:48:22

The overseas press | The international media take shots at Sarah Palin
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 300, 2008 19:14:32

| Anybody read the L.A. Times? Rolling Stone?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 296, 2008 23:49:18

The overseas press | The U.S. is widely criticized in the financial crisis
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 296, 2008 11:27:59

Iraqi endgame | Watch out for the 'victory myth'
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment October 295, 2008 12:30:07

Election 2008 | Questions for Obama and McCain on health care
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment October 293, 2008 14:23:47

Foreign policy | 10 tough questions for Thursday's debate
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment October 287, 2008 20:02:49

Test it yourself | Is racial discrimination a thing of the past?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 286, 2008 15:08:55

Afghanistan | In Afghanistan, a surge that failed
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment October 286, 2008 10:17:55

I.F. Stone Medal | 'Power and money and celebrity can blind you'
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 283, 2008 16:50:29

Election 2008 | Looking for a display -- rather than just talk -- of leadership
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 282, 2008 01:25:57

Senate testimony | Cruelty as a weapon of war
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment October 281, 2008 18:31:53

'Daredevil clowning' | Ask about McCain’s Navy career, aside from the POW part of it
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 280, 2008 19:51:47

One exception: Knight Ridder | The press gets a low grade for pre-Iraq war reporting
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 279, 2008 09:56:17

The war in Iraq | Has the 'surge' brought us any closer to 'victory'?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 278, 2008 12:30:23

The Overseas Press | First Obama-McCain debate seen as 'forgettable'
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 274, 2008 02:22:00

Social services | Overcoming barriers to the adoption of foster children
ASK THIS | 3 comments | last comment September 270, 2008 12:55:00

A silver-lining to this cloud? | Long-range issues in resolving the financial crisis
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 269, 2008 02:29:31

Deja vu | Don’t buy the bailout hype
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 267, 2008 15:24:15

The overseas press | International media are critical of McCain
COMMENTARY | 12 comments | last comment September 267, 2008 02:55:11

The 2008 financial crisis | How much will the Paulson package cost, and where’s the money coming from?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 264, 2008 17:35:15

Not reducing space? | 'Dear Mr. Sulzberger, won't you reconsider?'
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 254, 2008 12:36:01

In 1981, the U.S. had 324 refineries. In 2007, it had 149 | 10 tough questions on oil and gas prices
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 254, 2008 11:25:41

| Forget flag pins. Ask about assaults on the Constitution
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 254, 2008 10:18:04

Nieman Reports had this in 2004 | Before Walter Reed, there were Fort Stewart and Fort Knox and...
SHOWCASE | 2 comments | last comment September 250, 2008 09:09:08

'Enlarging the political space' | What about Gore’s challenge to drop oil altogether?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 248, 2008 10:51:10

This is Jeffersonian? | How much of your state’s legislation is being drafted by industry?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 246, 2008 11:54:32

A mix of great reporting and writing | Immigration comes to the small-town Midwest
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment August 242, 2008 09:31:02

War strategy | Are we bombing our way to disaster in Afghanistan?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 238, 2008 01:09:30

Russia Revisited | Is this the beginning of a major geopolitical conflict?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 237, 2008 16:43:05

Evaluating alarmism | Ten questions about homeland security
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 232, 2008 14:48:07

A wake-up call for journalists | A court case of vital importance
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 228, 2008 19:01:04

The $53 trillion questions | Time to face up to our mountain of debt
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 228, 2008 09:11:06

Looking for accountability | A Marine Mom's questions about Iraq
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 227, 2008 16:01:21

Belated recognition | John Walcott wins the first I.F. Stone Medal
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment August 227, 2008 15:19:32

Election 2008 | Two income tax systems, separate and unequal
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 224, 2008 19:11:57

First in the nation | Editors, take a look at the new South Carolina abortion legislation
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 224, 2008 06:40:27

Second in a series | Nieman Reports: Anne Hull and Dana Priest on their Walter Reed stories
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment August 220, 2008 11:04:51

From Nieman Reports | I.F. Stone's lessons for Internet journalism
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 219, 2008 03:57:41

A growing, ominous class disparity | Economic inequality in the U.S. is reaching Third World levels. Where’s the press?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 218, 2008 12:40:09

The I.F. Stone award | How Walcott and the Knight Ridder reporters went about their work
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 216, 2008 02:40:34

A proliferation of questions | Looking for fallout from the U.S.-India nuclear deal
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 215, 2008 17:30:37

Free Press convention in Minneapolis | Rather, Moyers see deterioration in news coverage
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 214, 2008 12:50:21

The 2008 campaign | Ask McCain and Obama if they'll work to create a world free of nuclear weapons
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 205, 2008 03:56:13

Election 2008 | Bush broke the government. So who's going to fix it?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 204, 2008 00:56:22

Demanding and getting action | Nieman Reports: Editorials with an impact
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment July 203, 2008 13:57:40

Toolbox | The History Commons -- an online tool for journalists
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment July 202, 2008 01:51:50

First in a series | Nieman Reports: Covering the Iraq war
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment July 190, 2008 15:44:10

Entrenchment, Part I | Do we really expect the Bushies to go quietly?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 185, 2008 14:36:03

Puppeteer in the crosshairs | Don't let Addington duck the big questions
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 184, 2008 18:59:44

| Why hasn't competition come to CEOs?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 182, 2008 17:17:23

An oil industry primer | What, if anything, can bring down gas prices?
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment June 178, 2008 12:45:02

Rove as pundit? Par for the course | Yes, freedom of speech protects vicious liars
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment June 175, 2008 20:16:26

A biographer's view | Questions I’d like to see someone ask Karl Rove
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 172, 2008 17:25:50

Entrenchment, Part V | How far will Bush loyalists go to help McCain win?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 166, 2008 20:34:16

Entrenchment, Part IV | What's the vice president up to these days?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 166, 2008 04:44:14

Entrenchment, Part III | The time for a national conversation on pardons is before, not after, they're granted
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 164, 2008 01:13:14

Entrenchment, Part II | Midnight rulemaking, last-minute hires and executive fiats
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 162, 2008 17:34:00

Significant deficiencies | Iowa Democrats need to modify their caucus system
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 162, 2008 02:40:53

A reporter's view | Walter Pincus sees shield law as 'a bad misstep'
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 162, 2008 02:05:29

From Nieman Reports | Calling for a secrecy beat
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 159, 2008 10:17:18

Bush legacy | A Pentagon metastasized almost beyond recognition
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 157, 2008 18:11:22

A frequent Watchdog contributor | Soldier-scholar-war critic William E. Odom dies
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 157, 2008 18:00:51

McClellan's critique | A refresher on how the press failed the people
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 156, 2008 16:17:23

The folly of war | Iran is an opportunity, not a target
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 156, 2008 15:22:19

McCain, Obama and Clinton are for it | Is carbon capture the next energy fix?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 146, 2008 16:40:28

There's a little history here | The FiOS ads say, 'This is big!' Well, maybe it is, and maybe it isn't
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 144, 2008 02:12:16

A historic turning point? | What will the next president do about global warming?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 131, 2008 12:32:04

| The press and the presidency: Silencing the watchdog
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 131, 2008 11:49:14

Odom's view | The surge is prolonging instability, not creating the conditions for success
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 108, 2008 17:29:14

Who gets what? | Is the spectrum just too complex for reporters?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment March 77, 2008 21:38:59

Questions for House and Senate leaders | Are new Air Force ads a political statement?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 77, 2008 01:20:34

| Thoughts on the language used in covering the economy
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 75, 2008 10:32:16

The media's role | Why the economy is cratering: a guide for reporters
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 65, 2008 16:20:25

The 2008 elections | Ask the candidates what they’d do about $3.50 or $4.00 gas prices
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 58, 2008 01:23:26

Stimulating the economy | Don’t we need a new WPA?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 50, 2008 17:08:18

Connecting the dots | Inequality and the sub-prime crisis
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 50, 2008 08:00:53

Gulf of Tonkin redux? | A pre-election attack on Iran remains a possibility
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 46, 2008 04:24:59

Election 2008 | Eight questions reporters should ask Obama
ASK THIS | 14 comments | last comment February 41, 2008 13:53:54

Any lessons for November? | Huckabee and the Religious Right
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 40, 2008 18:51:10

Vietnam recalled | Is the military on the verge of crashing?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 39, 2008 18:53:42

Odom's view | The path out of Iraq starts with Iran
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 37, 2008 17:44:09

A gliobal plan | Containment as a basis for national security
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 23, 2008 20:18:38

Pursuing justice | How trusting should reporters be of law enforcement?
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment January 14, 2008 12:56:28

Iraq Watch | Just how is this drawdown supposed to work, anyway?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment January 10, 2008 19:37:44

Debate questions | Rating Bush, on a scale of 1 to 10
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment January 10, 2008 15:27:53

Wrong questions | How not to conduct a presidential poll
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 04, 2008 13:22:55

The drumbeat for war | Let's hear from someone besides the neoconservatives about Iran
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment November 334, 2007 21:24:40

The overseas press | Arab commentators on Bush’s Middle East policies
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment November 334, 2007 21:16:53

Mintz’s mass media proposition | Needed: better reporting on how problems are dealt with elsewhere
COMMENTARY | 4 comments | last comment November 334, 2007 21:00:39

The permanent campaign | It's time Bush explained why he only talks to supporters
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment November 329, 2007 09:00:23

Think tanks and telecoms | ‘Kushnick sees conspiracy where we see collaboration’
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 285, 2007 17:18:51

Worst U.S. nuclear weapons breakdown ever? | A B-52 with six armed nuclear missiles flew over the U.S. for 3-1/2 hours. What’s the story here?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 273, 2007 13:05:56

The old ‘socialized medicine’ bugaboo | The press needs to tell us more about Canada’s single-payer health-care system
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 270, 2007 13:09:19

Where’s the vigilance? | Have business reporters lost their souls?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 262, 2007 14:16:11

Iraq watch | Success in al-Anbar: Can it be sustained?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 260, 2007 09:53:28

Waiting for Petraeus | Questions for Congress, for Bush and for Petraeus
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 258, 2007 01:41:33

A gadfly's view | Public diplomacy in a time of choler
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 238, 2007 17:29:59

The endless war | Can American leadership be restored?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 238, 2007 17:04:33

Connecting the dots | Linking campaign financing to what's wrong with the health care system
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 229, 2007 03:29:57

A Katrina moment in Baghdad | A reporter speaks out about the Iraq war and news coverage
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 227, 2007 18:03:52

Questions about media behavior | Why is it OK for the coal industry to break the law?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 227, 2007 10:31:16

Want letters? Go to the Web | No room for letters to the editor but plenty of room for graphics
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 223, 2007 22:59:44

Monica Flores Correa, Argentina | ‘Mistrust of the U.S. has ballooned’
DISCUSSIONS | 1 comment | last comment August 220, 2007 17:05:47

Exploring the downside(s) | The ethanol gold rush: How much is fools' gold?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 216, 2007 17:28:21

Odom's view | 'Supporting the troops' means withdrawing them
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment July 199, 2007 09:09:26

Inside Iraq | The media’s tragic misunderstanding of Iraqi domestic politics
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 198, 2007 15:15:30

Will it work? | How to assess an immigration proposal
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 189, 2007 05:49:10

The Korb Report | Cutting Defense spending by $25 billion here, $23 billion there...
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment July 189, 2007 05:45:15

Nuclear threat | Bush and Putin have an opportunity to assure their nukes can't destroy U.S., Russia
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 189, 2007 05:43:12

Health care industries cited | Why trust members of Congress to deal with groups that fund them?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 179, 2007 06:37:20

Iraq watch | What happened to the 'coalition of the willing'?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 176, 2007 09:52:05

View from Baghdad | A soldier in Iraq asks in despair: Why are we here?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 167, 2007 14:41:07

Odom on the radio | 'The Commander-in-Chief seems to have gone AWOL'
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment June 154, 2007 15:34:10

Look for profit on investment, not sales | Stymied in reporting on gas prices? Try these questions
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 152, 2007 13:22:04

Making votes count | HR 811 would require a paper trail
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 145, 2007 14:14:43

Another Bush legacy | As Medicare goes private, the press just stands by
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 143, 2007 14:43:25

More digging needed | Tenet's near-admission of torture
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 137, 2007 16:01:21

Third in a series | The Care Crisis: How do employers deal with working families?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 128, 2007 13:13:43

The overseas press | Massacre at Virginia Tech caused barely a flinch worldwide
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 123, 2007 05:56:17

The 2008 agenda | Can Guantanamo be closed?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 122, 2007 17:10:13

Second in a series | How is the 'care gap' handled in your area?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 119, 2007 15:06:30

Word choice | Shouldn't we drop the name 'War on Terror?'
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 117, 2007 14:12:12

Huge fraud and theft losses | Terrorism probes cut deeply into other FBI work
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment April 101, 2007 20:28:06

Introduction to 'skunkworks' | Verizon, AT&T and the manipulation of public opinion
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 97, 2007 16:11:04

The overseas press | 300 seen as a tool to work up anti-Iran sentiment
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 92, 2007 18:56:43

Assymetric warfare | How a superpower can end up losing to the little guys
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 86, 2007 13:20:26

The opt-out myth | How the press keeps missing the facts about working mothers
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 79, 2007 06:54:26

Guantanamo is not a prison | 11 ways to report on Gitmo without upsetting the Pentagon
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment March 78, 2007 10:42:41

Bush's mission | Why Latin Americans are skeptical of U.S. intentions
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 75, 2007 14:34:36

Breach of Contract | Contractors rarely face disciplinary action in Iraq
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 75, 2007 14:30:11

Post-surge thinking | Scrutinizing the most likely Plan Bs for Iraq
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 75, 2007 14:23:54

A Nieman Reports preview | Independent reporting drew Army coverup, secrecy, delays
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment March 64, 2007 15:42:17

The overseas press | Hillary and Barack, as seen from Britain
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 52, 2007 11:33:16

For starters, here are 11 questions | Cranberg wants a serious probe of why the press failed in its pre-war reporting
ASK THIS | 4 comments | last comment February 45, 2007 11:42:57

An absence of inquiry | Giles urges TV reporters to ask tougher questions
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 44, 2007 16:45:42

Covering the war | What’s wrong with cutting and running?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment February 44, 2007 10:21:11

Unreadable phone bills, no oversight | For low-volume users, phone costs have risen sharply
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 38, 2007 18:11:15

'Craven obsequiousness' | Allister Sparks used to come to the U.S. for inspiration, but he won't any more
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 38, 2007 16:52:14

Clear-eyed reporting needed | Six brutal truths about Iraq
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 37, 2007 17:59:19

The border | Getting it exactly backwards on immigration
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment January 30, 2007 01:46:18

Day 2 in Memphis | Iraq war, coverage of it, loom large at media reform convention
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment January 16, 2007 01:00:55

Keynote address | Media reform movement seen as ‘bursting at the seams’
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment January 12, 2007 20:20:31

Saving billions and, perhaps, lives | Will Congress create a new 'Truman Committee?'
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment January 07, 2007 03:36:46

The cost of Iraq | The more-than-$2-trillion war
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment December 351, 2006 08:43:45

The overseas press | Arabs, Israelis voice pessimism on Baker/Hamilton
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment December 351, 2006 08:39:13

$20-billion discrepancies | Pentagon spending? Don't ask Congress
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment December 341, 2006 22:19:00

One in a series | GAO weighs in with suggestions for congressional oversight
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment November 327, 2006 18:07:40

Checks, balances and verification | The state secrets privilege is too easy to abuse
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment November 322, 2006 00:53:50

A to-do list for Congress | Let the oversight begin!
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment November 316, 2006 20:31:34

Foreigners scratch their heads | Original sin and American politics
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment November 306, 2006 14:57:28

Trade talk | Getting beyond the myths of CAFTA
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 297, 2006 20:11:02

2006 elections | Ask candidates their views on Medicare drug prices
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 284, 2006 21:46:43

The overseas press | 5 years later, the question is, Are we still all Americans?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 276, 2006 17:00:09

The overseas press | 'Life is now more dangerous everywhere'
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 276, 2006 16:20:55

Last of a four-part series | The role of everyday citizens in homeland security
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 251, 2006 05:30:32

Where's the editing? | Oversized graphics: Invasion of the space snatchers
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 250, 2006 19:45:49

Bye-bye, accountability | An official secrets act might keep Congress in the dark
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 250, 2006 17:19:49

Third in a four-part series | When market forces aren’t enough
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 246, 2006 22:37:13

An easy expression of contempt | Cranberg would penalize Bush for taunting
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 246, 2006 22:29:25

Special feature | Add your comments to those of the Nieman fellows
DISCUSSIONS | 3 comments | last comment August 241, 2006 14:59:02

Letter from Austin | 5 candidates for governor, no runoff
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 240, 2006 19:43:32

Second in a four-part series | Is the best defense a good offense? Or a good defense?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 233, 2006 12:23:34

What's a 'Unitary Executive?' | Bush’s signing statements: Constitutional crisis or empty rhetoric?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 228, 2006 20:50:40

From Nieman Reports | Fighting back against the PR presidency
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 225, 2006 23:37:49

What about White House staffers? | Is Bush influenced by 'end times' theology?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 220, 2006 17:44:24

No bloggers invited? | Proposed shield law comes close to government licensing of reporters
COMMENTARY | 7 comments | last comment August 219, 2006 20:03:12

The power of words | Shouldn't the press call Iraq's sectarian violence a civil war?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 219, 2006 12:45:09

Also: In defense of Helen Thomas | Bush's fundamentalism seen as a decisive, negative factor in his policies
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 218, 2006 16:53:11

Odom's view | A reverse domino theory may be playing out in the Middle East
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment July 208, 2006 13:27:54

U.S. as bystander | Bush says someone should get to Syria; why shouldn’t that someone be him?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 200, 2006 15:02:07

Fact-checking the president | Our missile defense system is seen as an expensive bluff
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment July 194, 2006 09:43:25

Questions for candidates | Better off today than 4 years ago?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment June 172, 2006 00:42:18

'Burn rate:' $9.9 billion a month | War cost reports said to be incomplete, understated
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 163, 2006 22:40:38

Watchdog survey | Some Asian Nieman fellows are highly critical of the American press
DISCUSSIONS | 1 comment | last comment May 151, 2006 20:39:21

From Nieman Reports | Remembering the forgotten
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 151, 2006 11:39:24

A watchdog survey | Nieman fellows want a revolt against the 'he-said, she-said'
DISCUSSIONS | 2 comments | last comment May 145, 2006 18:40:29

For the U.S., Iraq is more devastating | Iraq through the prism of Vietnam
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment May 123, 2006 12:27:14

Money, Morality, Politics | Getting the Schiavo backstory on the record
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 121, 2006 17:35:07

Media criticism | Dick Cheney did not make a mistake by not telling the press he shot a guy
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 121, 2006 17:32:19

Money chasing money | 14 questions to get to the bottom of the gas price run-up
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment April 119, 2006 18:49:10

Elections 2006 | Ask candidates about the minimum wage
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 116, 2006 18:35:12

A serious but not imminent threat | Is the U.S. about to attack Iran?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 115, 2006 14:43:25

Garroting the Bill of Rights | “Detainee,” “rendition,” etc.: Who needs these words?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment April 115, 2006 14:34:00

Telecommunications | How the Baby Bells and the government destroyed competition for DSL, long distance and local phone service
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 113, 2006 10:19:36

Where do we look? | Is there a religious left in the U.S. today?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment April 96, 2006 02:29:58

Middle class left behind | With all that GOP corruption, why are Democrats so quiet?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 80, 2006 20:07:21

Mintz on Election 2006 | Senators who play the stock market do very, very well
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 75, 2006 12:42:16

A review | Scientists’ advice shunted aside under Bush
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment March 74, 2006 01:02:59

Another unfunded mandate | Have you heard: We’ve got new, sweeping welfare changes
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 73, 2006 13:30:40

Oversight | Cobell v. Norton, ‘A window on the balance of power in Washington’
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment March 72, 2006 17:46:41

About those bases | Does the U.S. plan to be in Iraq forever?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 68, 2006 09:06:51

A tutorial | Think paper trails will make elections secure? It’s not that simple
ASK THIS | 3 comments | last comment March 61, 2006 22:26:35

When intelligence and policy collide | Pillar to press: Don't get fooled again
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 60, 2006 15:53:22

Capital gains change sought | Higher profits, lower costs: to what end?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment February 53, 2006 14:00:26

Expense breakdown | How much do localities spend on elections?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment February 48, 2006 17:14:00

In 2005, only 4 states following guidelines | Not much tobacco settlement money goes to reducing smoking
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment January 23, 2006 01:00:11

Reporting the prospects | Look for a move toward nuclear power plants in the U.S.
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment January 19, 2006 19:14:40

Eulogy | A tribute to three public figures who died in recent days
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment January 01, 2006 17:46:37

The general's postscript | Odom: Want stability in the Middle East? Get out of Iraq!
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment December 349, 2005 11:14:28

Make it a beat | Important questions about Social Security
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment December 340, 2005 11:19:07

Oversight lacking | Imperial presidency, invisible Congress
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment November 329, 2005 18:01:34

Bush 0, 4th estate 0 | Questions about George Bush’s flu pandemic plan
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment November 324, 2005 15:09:05

Evaluating alarmism | Why not cool down the terrorism rhetoric a little?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 277, 2005 01:56:25

Middle class as victims | Press seen as failing to deal with economic abuses
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment October 275, 2005 15:58:18

A rare opportunity | Anything you'd like to ask Rupert Murdoch?
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment October 274, 2005 05:28:47

Covering the White House | Mr. President, will you answer the question?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 270, 2005 20:48:34

A long-running law suit | Official defends Interior’s record on Indian Trust issues
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment September 264, 2005 15:52:46

Oversight? What oversight? | A critique of the press by a veteran reporter
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 264, 2005 01:25:18

Covering the war | Figuring out options in Iraq
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 258, 2005 14:12:16

Fraud? What fraud? | Needed: A better memory in coverage of the Indian Trust Program
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment September 255, 2005 16:04:16

Gas prices | Where the pain is
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 245, 2005 21:51:50

Appropriate, challenging questions | A line of inquiry for Supreme Court nominee Roberts
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 238, 2005 18:30:38

Sources worth protecting? | Let's get on with the Novak/Plame case
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 186, 2005 14:28:30

Universal prescription coverage | Isn't it time we stopped paying such high prices for prescription drugs?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 184, 2005 17:59:10

A watchdog thought | Recalling Pulitzer on our first birthday
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment June 168, 2005 19:43:06

Watergate in retrospect | The myth of Deep Throat
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment June 165, 2005 14:54:05

Getting out of Iraq | Who are these insurgents?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment May 133, 2005 21:46:27

Recalling the Thalidomide story | Morton Mintz on the collapse of Congressional oversight
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment May 124, 2005 21:30:34

A former police chief speaks | What if you blew the whistle and nobody heard?
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment May 122, 2005 12:05:46

A proliferation of reports | Why should the WMD Commission be taken seriously?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 90, 2005 12:21:08

A more progressive system | Bush wants to privatize Social Security. Why not just lift the FICA cap?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment March 87, 2005 11:22:53

Justice delayed is... | Jamin Raskin feels the press is giving Novak a free ride
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment February 52, 2005 14:59:45

Book review | 'Bury the Chains,' by Adam Hochschild
SHOWCASE | 1 comment | last comment January 25, 2005 14:17:56

Bush’s National Guard service | The Boccardi-Thornburgh report leaves some questions unanswered
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment January 15, 2005 14:32:54

A fourth estate | Tougher political coverage needed – but does it mean an end to impartiality?
COMMENTARY | 2 comments | last comment November 330, 2004 09:39:55

Presidential debate | Questions for Bush and Kerry keep coming in (mostly for Bush)
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 286, 2004 15:45:55

On campus | Is this the year when young voters will make the difference?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 278, 2004 00:59:53

Ways around an impasse | Covering the Department of Homeland Security
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment October 277, 2004 02:36:52

Election coverage | Questions you should ask House and Senate candidates
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 272, 2004 16:02:23

Get the numbers | The Times finds sharp increases in Democratic registration in Ohio and Florida
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 271, 2004 22:44:03

Looking ahead | Questions for a wartime president
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment September 247, 2004 19:11:19

Politics as farce | Record turnout — more than 100% — looms as a possibility for the Afghan election in October
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 244, 2004 16:24:31

Election 2004 | A matter of stenography at The New York Times
COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment August 237, 2004 10:28:07

Fighting Terrorism | Intelligence reform isn't just about the chart
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 225, 2004 06:57:11

College admissions | Bush says he opposes 'legacy admissions;' how about asking once more, just to make sure?
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment August 222, 2004 13:05:52

Bush v. Kerry | A foolproof method of picking the loser
ASK THIS | 1 comment | last comment July 192, 2004 13:04:28

Measuring up | What's the progress with 'leave no child behind?'
ASK THIS | 4 comments | last comment June 177, 2004 19:25:37

Voting blocs | What is it they say about assuming things?
DISCUSSIONS | 1 comment | last comment June 155, 2004 18:15:12

Readers ask | What geniuses decided that celebrity bunk is news?
DISCUSSIONS | 1 comment | last comment June 155, 2004 17:59:36

Free-for-all | Users post watchdog questions and comments
DISCUSSIONS | 26 comments | last comment June 155, 2004 17:40:27

What we're about | Welcome!!
Why Watchdog? And why questions?

COMMENTARY | 1 comment | last comment June 155, 2004 13:52:12

SDI in Alaska | Ready or not, here comes Star Wars
ASK THIS | 2 comments | last comment June 154, 2004 04:28:48

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