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| Turning prize money into better training for rural reporters
Daniel Gilbert, whose work won the Pulitzer public service award for a small Virginia newspaper this year, is using other prize money – $10,000 from Scripps Howard – to help fund a new computer-assisted training program run by Investigative Reporters and Editors.

From Nieman Reports | Reporting a textile workers’ strike in Henan province
SHOWCASE| September 08, 2010
Bill Schiller of the Toronto Star: ‘Our arrival sparked a sensation: Police swept in demanding our papers. The crowd swept in on them to make sure we stayed…Then something extraordinary happened: The people applauded us.’

From Nieman Reports | Joining digital forces to strengthen local investigative reporting
‘Our goal is to build online tools that the people can easily use to enhance their ability as watchdogs—whether they are citizens or journalists.’ (From Nieman Reports)

The 3rd annual award | Craig McCoy of the Inquirer wins the 2010 I.F. Stone Medal
The reporter has exposed injustice and corruption in Philadelphia for almost three decades; he is said to be persistent, able to penetrate the ‘official fog,’ and imbued with a strong sense of civic right and wrong. And all in all, he is said 'to bring to mind I.F. Stone.'

| The Nieman Foundation names its 2011 Fellows
Curator notes ‘extraordinarily diverse backgrounds and interests' as 25 American and international journalists are selected.

A low point | Institutional anemia cripples congressional oversight
Reformer Danielle Brian looks back on her 20 years of pushing for more government accountability and concludes that the U.S. Congress has forgotten its role, and as a result, congressional oversight has never been worse.

From Nieman Storyboard | ‘I want to thank you for writing about what happened to my son’
Washington Post editor David Finkel is the recipient of the 2010 J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize for “The Good Soldiers,” his firsthand account of a U.S. Army battalion’s activities in Iraq in 2007 and 2008. Here are excerpts from a piece on Finkel and an interview with him by Andrea Pitzer, editor of the Nieman Foundation’s Storyboard.

Q&A | An interview with the winner of the Pulitzer grand prize
“You don’t have to be at the New York Times or the Washington Post or the Wall Street Journal to do important work,” says Daniel Gilbert, the young, newly celebrated reporter on a small paper in Southwest Virginia. Gilbert’s work uncovered callousness, red tape and corporate neglect (to put it mildly) that was keeping natural gas royalties, often sorely needed, from going to thousands of people in Appalachia.

Embedded with killers | (Un) Covering the Death Squads in El Salvador
On the 30th anniversary of the brutal assassination of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero, a veteran reporter looks back at some extraordinary and daring close-in coverage that was spurred by personal anger at the murder of the priest.

A conversation with Brian Storm | A different approach to storytelling
The new issue of Nieman Reports is devoted to visual journalism in the Internet Age, with a look into stories like the one behind this 'Marlboro Marine.'

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