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Bases Everywhere | Digging in for the long haul in Afghanistan
Nick Turse answers questions about his recent finding that there are nearly 400 U.S. and coalition military bases in Afghanistan, what that says about our occupation and our military strategy, and the indirect and direct costs to the American taxpayers. It's a big story most Americans know nothing about.

A journalistic golden age | A paean to the late James Goddard, and to Martin Agronsky as well
Morton Mintz recalls getting candid answers from Goddard, then FDA Commissioner, on Agronsky’s ‘Face the Nation’ in the 1960s, a time when – believe it or not – some Sunday morning talk shows cared about, reported, and made news.

'Mentor and consultant' | A Marine general finds retirement pays very nicely
USA Today weighs into a case of what it calls ‘profiting from access,’ laying out how one retired general has possibly made more than a million dollars in the past six years from the military aside from his pension, not including income from military contractors.

From Nieman Reports | 'When they come for us'
Sonali Samarasinghe Wickrematunge, a Sri Lankan editor, writes in Nieman Reports: 'When you are compelled to leave your family, your work, your country, and your life as you knew it, that's when you realize you cannot give up. You have to do more, you have to speak louder, write bolder. And now, it's personal.'

New story possibilities | Localizing a Washington scoop the (almost) easy way
Going online for Congressional Research Service reports and hearings transcripts provides a big assist to reporters anywhere in their coverage of Washington, DC, news. Writer Andrew Kreig describes how.

Chosen by current Nieman Fellows | Slain Sri Lankan editor, Afghan journalists win the 2009 Louis Lyons award
Prize, named for longtime Nieman curator, goes to an editor who predicted his own murder and to journalists of Afghanistan as a group for delivering the news in a dangerous reporting environment.

Reporting the pandemic | A Nieman Foundation guide for covering swine flu
As new outbreaks of H1N1 flu continue to disrupt families, schools and communities across the country and around the world, the Nieman Foundation has put out a comprehensive online guide for journalists. It offers reporters and editors tools to understand the complexities of the disease; debunk misconceptions, and ask the right questions.

Award ceremony | ‘Pay the man,’ the judge said, and that’s how a career got started
As he tells it, Jon Alpert, winner of the 2009 I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence, had an eye out for injustice early on.

| The 2009 I.F. Stone Medal: an invitation
This year’s I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence will be presented to documentary filmmaker Jon Alpert on Oct. 1 at American University in Washington, DC.

‘Treating islanders like guinea pigs’ | Reporting and producing Newsday’s first investigative documentary
Reporter/author Thomas Maier tells what drew him to explore, more than 50 years after the events, the Brookhaven lab’s troubled history in connection with hydrogen bomb tests in the Marshall Islands.

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